HO CHI MINH Selected Works ==========第1页========== HO CHI MINHSELECTED WORKS ==========第2页========== HO CHI MINH SELECTED W○RKS VOLUME I ( Articles and speeches, 1922-1926) HANOIFOREIGN LANGUAGES PUHLINIING HOUSE 1960 ==========第3页========== ==========第4页========== CONTENTS Page Foreword 9 Some Considerations on the Colonial Question 11 In a. High Civilization 15 Equali The Civilizers 19 Racial Hatred 21 Murderous Civilization Annamese Women and French Domination An o Letter to M. Albert Sarraut, Minister of Colonies The Martyrdom of Amdouni and Ben-Belkhir 30 About Siki 32 Indochinese Prosperity under the Rule of M. Iong The Colonial Abyss 37 Open Letter to M. Leon Archimbaud Just as in the Mother C 43 Menagerie 45 Uprising at Dahomey. 48 Despotism in Indo-China- Protected and Protectors. 50 Oppression hits all race. 52 The Counter- Revolutionary Army.'It is not Militarism, bu Inglish Color 57 ==========第5页========== The Workers' Movement in Turkey Annamese Peasant Conditions. Chinese Peasant Conditions....". Lenin and the Colonial Peoples 70 Workers' movement in the Far East Indo-China and the Pacific The U.S. R.R. and the Colonial Peoples 80 What French Imperialism is Capable of There are documents which mark a turning point in The failure of French Colonization 7 the history of a people: Ho Chi Minh's works are ofthis kind The Glories of French Civilization 90 Lenin and the Peoples of the East 94 Volume /, now before the reader, contains articles Bolshevist Barbarity written for the most part in French under the name o/ Nguyen Ai Quoc, in the years 1922-1926. It also contains Lynching, a Little Known Aspect of American Civili one important speech made at this time. These documents zation... come from a day when the prospects of the anti-colonialist Imperialists and China 106 struggle were far from being discerned by all. Subsequent Marshal Lyautey and the Declaration of the Rights or 11 Civilization that Kills 3 volumes will comprise an essay written in 1925, and appealsand messages written from 1915 to 1960, at a time when Man and the Citizen. 120 the weapons for the victoryof the Vietnamese peoplewere being forged. Condemned Colonization 123 The Ku-Klux-Klan 127 Is it necessary to recall the wonderful successes wonby the world anti-colonialist movement of which H Problems of Asia 133 Chi Minh has been one of the advocates and to which he Rule britannia 137 has devoted his whole life Lenin and the East 139 Our day bears the imprint of the irresistible advance Report on the National and Colonial Questions at the of oppressed peoples. From Hanoi to Conakry, frron Fifth Congress of the Communist Internation 142 Djakarta to Havana, they have won victory after victory Notes of Explanation and Information 155 Colonialism no longer dares even to say its own name. Thehour of the last offensive has struck. The emancipation ofall enslaved nations is going full steam ahead. May the present edition of Ho Chi Minh's selectedworks bring to the peoples who, still suffering, are carryingon the struggle for their independence, confidence in theirimmense abilities and new grounds for hope. Foreign Languages Pu Publishing H g ouse Hanoi 8 ==========第6页========== SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON THE COLONIAL QUESTION Since the French Party has accepted Moscowstwenty-one conditions(1) and joined the Third Inter-national, among the problems which it has set itself is aparticularly ticklish one- colonial policy. Unlike the Firstand Second Internationals, it cannot be satisfied withpurely sentimental expressions of position leading tonothing at all, but must have a well defined working proramme, an effective and practical policy. On this point, more than on others, the Party facesmany difficulties, the greatest of which are the following: 1. The great size of the colonies Not counting the new 'trusteeships'acquired afterthe war, France possesses In order to preserve the authenticity of In Asia, 450, ooo square kilometres, in Africa the texts and the atmosphere of an epoch 3, 541,000 square kilometres, in America, Io8, ooo square now past, we retain the words Annam and kilometres and in Oceania 21, 6oo square kilometres, or a Annamese to indicate Viet Nam and the viet- total area of 4, 120, ooo square kilometres(eight times its namese respectively, though these terms havebeen discarded since 1945 because of their own territory), with a population of 48, 000, ooo souls. derogatory sense These people speak over twenty different languages. This ==========第7页========== diversity of tongues does not make propaganda easy, for, 3. The ignorance of the natives except in a few old colonies, a French propagandist canmake himself understood only through an interpreter. How In colonized countries-in old Indo-China as well as ever, translations are of limited value, and in these in new Dahomey the class struggle, and proletarian countries of administrative despotism, it is rather difficult strength, are unknown factors for the simple reason that to find an interpreter to translate revolutionary speeches there are neither big commercial and industrial enterprises,nor workers'organizations. In the eyes of the natives There are other drawbacks: though the natives of all Bolshevism- a word which is the more vivid and expres- the colonies are equally oppressed and exploited,their sive because frequently used by the bourgeoisie-means intellectual, economic and political development differs either the destruction of everything or emancipation from greatly from one region to another. Between Annam (2) the foreign yoke. The first sense given to the word drives and the Congo, Martinique and New Caledonia, there is the ignorant and timorous masses away from us; the second absolutely nothing in common, except poverty. leads them to nationalism. Both senses are equally dangerous. Only a tiny section of the intelligentsia knows what 2. The indifference of the proletariat of the mother is meant by communism. But these gentry, belonging to country towards the colonies the native bourgeoisie and supporting the bourgeois colo In his theses on the colonial question (3), Lenin nialists, have no interest in the communist doctrine beingunderstood and propagated. On the contrary, like the dog clearly stated that ' the workers of colonizing countries are in the fable, they prefer to bear the mark of the collar and bound to give the most active assistance to the liberationmovements in subject countries'. To this end, the workers to have their piece of bone. Generally speaking, the massesare thoroughly rebellious, but completely ignorant. They of the mother country must know what a colony really is, want to free themselves, but do not know how to go about they must be acquainted with what is going on there, and with doing s the suffering- a thousand times more acute than theirs-endured by their brothers, the proletarians in the colonies 4. Prejudices In a word, they must take an interest in this question The mutual ignorance of the two proletariats gives rise Unfortunately, there are many militants who still to prejudices. The French workers look upon the native as think that a colony is nothing but a country with plenty of an inferior and negligible human being, incapable of sand underfoot and of sun overhead a few green coconut understanding and still less of taking action. The natives palms and coloured folk, that is all. And they take not the regard all the French as wicked exploiters. Imperialism and slightest interest in the matter capitalit m do not fail to take advantage of this mutual ==========第8页========== suspicion and this artificial racial hierarchy to frustratepropaganda and divide forces which ought to unite. 5. Fierceness of repression If the F nialists are unskilful in developin colonial resources, they are masters in the art of savagerepression and the manufacture of loyalty made to measure The Gandhis and the de valera (4)would have long since IN A. HIGH CIVILIZATION entered heaven had they been born in one of the Frenchcolonies. Surrounded by all the refinements of courtsmartial and special courts, a native militant cannot educate M. Albert Sarraut (5) has told the colonial group ofthe Chamber of Deputies that'it is in the sphere of over- his oppressed and ignorant brothers without the risk of seas activity that, faithful to the splendid mission by which falling into the clutches of his civilizers she has dazzled the world and history, beneficent France is Faced with these difficulties, what must the Party do carrying on a work of progress and justice, of the elevation Intensify propaganda to overcome them. of races, of lofty civilization, whose nobility every dayenhances the centuries-old radiance of her tradition Humanite, May 25, 1922 Now, here is how this work of progress and justiceetc, is put into practice.. On the pretext of acting againstvagrancy, the natives of Madagascar are put to forcedlabour. Thus, on the back of a sheet of paper which is thenative's identity card, there are small squares to be filledin by the employer. In the first of these squares are printedthe essential particulars which should be counter-signed by thee employer Employed by Mr At rom... he employer :(signed) Any native whose identity card is not duly filled inas prescribed above is considered a vagrant and gets from I6 ==========第9页========== three months to one years imprisonment, and is liable,after serving his term, to be prohibited from residing incertain areas for from five to ten years Now let us see how the native workers are treated bythese civilizing employers One of them wrote to an overseer who had asked forthe wages due to one of his workers, Tell that pig to goand eat dirt, it is the only food fit for him EQUALITY Another, discovering that 5, ooo francs had been stolenfrom his home, submitted his eight native employees tocontact with live electric wires in order to obtain a confes To hide the ugliness of its regime of criminal exploita sion. It was discovered later that the thief was the em- tion, colonial capitalism always decorates its evil banner ployer's own son. The civilizing son had a good time. The with the idealistic motto Fraternity, Equality, etc. civilizing father was not worried. The fortunate proteges Here is how these champions of equality put their of france are still in Tananarive hospital logan into practice. In the same workshop and for the same work a whiteworkman is several times better paid than his coloured La vie Ouvriere, May 26, 1922 brother. In administrative offices, despite length of service andrecognized ability, a native is paid starvation wages, whilea freshly arrived white man receives a higher salary withless work to do. After receiving higher education in the parent state and obtaining degrees as doctors of medicine or of law young native people cannot exercise their professions intheir own country if they are not naturalized(and howmany difficulties and humiliations a native must go throughto obtain this naturalization !) Dragged away from their countries and their homes,and pressganged into the army as volunteers,, the militarized natives are quick to savour the exquisite significanceof this phantasmal equality' they are defending. 16 ==========第10页========== With the same rank, a white non-commissioned officeris almost always regarded as superior to his native colleaguewho must salute and obey him This- military' hierarchy is still more strikingwhen white and coloured soldiers travel in the same trainor ship. Here is the most recent example In May the S S. Liger left France for Madagascar THE CIVILIZERS with six hundred Malagasy(6)soldiers on board. The Malagasy non-commissioned officers were crowdedinto the holds, while their white colleagues were installed in Under the title Colonial Bandits' our comrade Victor Meric (8)has told us of the incredible cruelty of a comfortable cabins. french administrator in the colonies who poured molten May our coloured brothers, warmed by the ship,s rubber into the genitals of an unfortunate Negress. After boilers, if not by an ideal, awakened by the noise of the which, he made her carry a huge stone on her head in the propellers, or by the voice of their conscience, think overnd understand the fact that the good capitalism will always blazing sun, until she died This sadistic official is now continuing his exploits in consider them as ordinary olo maloto(?). another district, still with the same rank Unfortunately, such odious deeds are not rare inwhat Humanite, June 1, 1922 the good press calls'overseas France. In March I922, a customs-house officer at Baria Cochin-China) all but sent an Annamese woman saltcarrier to her death because she had disturbed his siesta bymaking a noise outside the verandah of his house. The best of it is that this woman was threatened withthe sack from the construction yard she was working on ifshe lodged a complaint. In April, another customs-house officer who took theplace of the above-mentioned official, proved to be worthyyof his predecessor for his brutalities An old Annamese woman, also a salt carrier, had anargument with a woman overseer regarding the stoppage of N ==========第11页========== part of her wages. On hearing the overseer's complaint, theoffcer, without more ado, took it upon himself to give thecarrier two stinging slaps in the face. While the poor womanwas stooping to pick up her hat, the civilizer, not satisfiedwith the slaps he had just given her, furiously kicked herin the lower abdomen, immediately provoking a great flowof blood When the unfortunate Annamese fell to the ground M. RACIAL HATRED Sarraut's collaborator, instead of succouring her, called forthe village mayor to carry her away. This worthy refused. Then the officer called in the victim s husband, who was For having spoken of the class struggle and of equality blind, and ordered him to take his wife away. The poor old among men, and on the charge of having preached racialhatred, our comrade Louzon (9)has been sentenced woman Is now in hospital. It's odds on that, like their colleague the administrator Let us see how the love between peoples has been in Africa, our two customs-house officers were not worried. understood and applied in Indo-China of late. We will They might even have received promotion not speak for the time being of the poisoning and degradation of the masses by alcohol and opium of which thecolonial government is guilty i our comrades in the parlia Le Paria, July 1, 1922 mentary group will have to deal with this matter one day. Everybody knows the deeds of derring-do of theassassin-administrator Darles(10,. However, he is far fromhaving the monopoly of savagery against the natives. A certain Pourcignon furiously rushed upon anAnnamese who was so curious and bold as to look at this European's house for a few seconds. He beat him andfinally shot him down with a bullet in the head. A railway official beat a Tonkinese village mayor witha cane. M. Beck broke his car drivers skull with a blow Iromhis fist M. Bres, building contractor, kicked an Annamese to 20 ==========第12页========== death after binding his arms and letting him be bitten by his dog. M. Deffis, receiver, killed his Annamese servant witha powerful kick in the kidneys. M. Henry, a mechanic at Haiphong, heard a noise inthe street; the door of his house opened, an Annamesewoman come in, pursued by a man. Henry, thinking thatit was a native chasing after a' con-gai'(11) snatched up MURDEROUS CIVILIZATION his hunting rifle and shot him. The man fell, stone deadit was a European. Questioned, Henry replied, 'I thought We have of late pointed out from this platform a It was a native series of assassinations perpetrated by our 'civilizers A Frenchman lodged his horse in a stable in which which remain unpunished. Alas The gloomy black list there was a mare belonging to a native. The horse pranced, lengthens every day. throwing the Fhenchman into a furious rage. He beat the Quite recently, a fifty year old Annamese employed native, who began to bleed from the mouth and ears after for 25 years in the Railways Department of Cochin-China which he bound his hands and hung him from them under was murdered by a white official. Here are the facts his staircase Le Van Tai had in his charge four other Annamese A missionary(oh yes, a gentle apostle ), suspecting a employed in preventing trains from crossing a bridge while native seminarist of having stolen I, ooo piastres from him, it was opened to let navigation pass. The order was to close suspended him from a beam and beat him. The poor fellow the bridge to navigation ten minutes before the trains were lost consciousness. He was taken down. When he came to, due to cross the bridge it began again. He was dying, and is perhaps dead On April 2, at 4.30 p. m, one of these Arnamese already., etc. Has justice punished these individuals, these civilizers came to close the bridge and lower the signal. Just then agovernment launch appeared with a naval dockyard official Some have been acquitted and others were not troubled on board returning from a hunt. The launch whistled. The by the law at all. That's that. And now. native employee went to the middle of the brids and waved Accused Louzon, it's your turn to speak I a red flag as a sign to the boat that a train was going topass and that navigation was accordingly suspended. Here Le Paria, July 1. 1922 is what happened The launch came alongside a pillar ofthe bridge. The official jumped out and made furiously forthe Annamese employee. Prudently, the latter fled in the 23 22 ==========第13页========== direction of Tais house. The Frenchman pursued him,hrowing stones at him. When he heard the noise, Taicame out to meet the representative of civilization whoaddressed him thus, "You stupid brute, why don't youraise the bridge "In reply, Tai, who couldnot speak French, pointed to the red signal. This simple gestureexasperated M. Long's (12) collaborator who, withoutmore ado, fell upon Tai and, after giving him a thorough ANNAMESE WOMEN drubbing, pushed him into a brazier nearby. AND FRENCH DOMINATION Horribly burnt, the Anamese crossing-keeper wascarried to hospital where he died after six days of atrocious Colonization is in itself an act of violence of the suffering. The French official was not charged. stronger against the weaker. This violence becomes still In Marseilles, the official prosperity of Indo-China is more odious when it is exercised upon women and children on display in Annam, people are dying of starvation. Here It is bitterly ironic to find that civilization - symbo loyalism is praised, there assassination is perpetrated lized in its various forms, viz. liberty, justice, etc, by the What do you say to this, oh thousands of times over get image of woman, and run by a category of men we Majesty Khai Dinh(13)and Excellentissimo Sarraut known to be champions of gallantry - inflicts on its livingemblem the most ignoble treatment and afflicts her shame P. S- While the life of an Annamese is not worth fully in her manners, her modesty and even her life. a cent, for a scratch on the arm, M. Inspector General Colonial sadism is unbelievably widespread and cruel, Reinhardt receives I20, ooo francs compensation. Equality but we shall confine ourselves here to recalling a few ins Beloved equality tances seen and described by witnesses unsuspected ofpartiality. These facts will allow our Western sisters torealize both the nature of the civilizing mission,of Le paria. August 1, 1922 capitalism. and the sufferings of their sisters in the colonies.'On the arrival of the soldiers,, relates a colonial"the population fed; there only remained two old men andtwo women: one maiden, and a mother suckling her babyand holding an eight year old girl by the hand. The soldiers asked for money, spirits and opium "As they could not make themselves understood, theybecame furious and knocked down one of the old men with 24 ==========第14页========== their rifle butts. Later, two of them, already drunk whenthey arrived, amused themselves for many hours by roastingthe other old man at a wood fire. Meanwhile, the othersraped the two women and the eight year old girl. Then,weary, they murdered the girl. The mother was then able toescape with her infant and, from a hundred yards off,hidden in a bush, she saw her companion tortured. She didnot know why the murder was perpetrated, but she saw theyoung girl lying on her back, bound and gagged, and one of AN OPEN LETTER TO M, ALBERT SARRAUT, the men, many times, slowly thrust his bayonet into her MINISTER OF COLONIES stomach and, very slowly, draw it out again. Then he cutoff the dead giris finger to take a ring, and her head to Your Excellency, steal a necklace. We know very well that your affection for the natives The three corpses lay on the flat ground of a former f the colonies in general, and the Annamese in particular, salt-marsh: the eight year old girl naked, the young womandisembowelled, her stiffened left forearm raising a clenched Is great fist to the indifferent sky, and the old man, horrible, naked Under your proconsulate the Annamese people have like the others, disfigured by the roasting with his fat which known true prosperity and real happiness, the happiness of had run, melted and congealed with the skin of his belly, seeing their country dotted all over with an increasing which was bloated, grilled and golden, like the skin of a number of spirit and opium shops which, together withfiring squads, prisons, democracy'and all theimproved roast pig. apparatus of modern civilization, are combining to make the Annamese the most advanced of the Asians and the happiest Le Paria, August 1, 1922 morta These acts of benevolence save us the troubleof recallingall the others, such as enforced recruitment and loans, bloody repressions, the dethronement and exile ofkings, profanation of sacred places, etc. As a Chinese poem says, The wind of kindnessfollows the movement of your fan, and the rain of virtueprecedes the tracks of your carriage. ' As you are now thesupreme head of all the colonies, your ecial care for the 26 ==========第15页========== Indochinese has but increased with your elevation. You If Your Excellency insists on knowing what we do have created in Paris itself a service having the special every day, nothing is easiefrwe shall publish every morn- task- with special regard to Indo-China, according to a ing a bulletin ofour movements, and Your Excellency will colonial publication - of keeping watch on the natives, have but the trouble of reading. especially the Annamese, living in France. Besides, our time-table is quite simple and almost But'keeping watch alone seemed to Your Excel- unchanging. lency's fatherly solicitude insufficient, and you wanted to Morning: from 8 to 12 at the workshop. do better. That is why for some time now, you have grant- Afternoon: in newspaper offices(leftist of course)or ed each Annamese -dear Annamese, as Your Excellency at the library says- private aides-de-camp. Though still novices in the Evening: at home or attending educational talks. art of Sherlock Holmes, these good people are very devoted Sundays and holidays visiting museums or other and particularly sympathetic. We have only. praise to places of interest. bestow on them and compliments to pay to their boss, There you are Yo E our上xce Hoping that this convenient and rational method wil We are sincerely moved by the honour that Your Excel- give satisfaction to Your Excellency, we beg to remain lency has the extreme kindness to grant us and we wouldhave accepted it with all gratitude if it did not seem a Nguyen Ai Quoc little superfluous and if it, did not excite envy and jealousy. At a time when Parliament is trying to save money,and cut down administrative personnel when there is a r Paria, August 1, 1922 large budget deficit; when agriculture and industry lacklabour when attempts are being made to levy taxes onworkers' wages; and at a time when repopulation demandsthe use of all productive energies it would seem to usanti-patriotic at such a time to accept personal favourswhich necessarily cause loss of the powers of the citizenscondemned-as aides-de-camp- to idleness and the spending of money that the proletariat has sweated hard for. insequent ng obliged to you, we respectfully decline this distinction fattering to us but tooexpensive to the country. 28 ==========第16页========== they fainted. When they recovered their senses, our protecor had their arms bound behind their backs and had therstrung up by their hands. Though the two unfortunateslost consciousness, the odious punishment lasted for fourhours and ended only when a neighbour protested Taken to hospital, the unfortunates each had to haveone hand amputated and it is not known whether the other hand can be saved THE MARTYRDOM OF There it is, fra-ter-ni-ty AMDOUNI AND BEN-BELKHIR The honourable M. Lucien Saint is too busy expellinggcommunists and journalists to think of the lives of his In the war fought to uphold the rule of law, to safe- native proteges. guard justice, civilization, etc... Ioo, ooo Tunisian infantrymen were mobilized, 6o per cent of whom did not comeback. At that time Tunisians were covered with flowers Le paria. November 1, 1922 and showered with affection. Franco- Tunisian brotherhoodwas chanted with much love and tenderness, "a brotherhoodsealed for ever in blood and glory". A censorship was evenestablished to prevent publication in the press of anymatter likely to offend native opinion To-day, this fraternity has changed its form. It is nolonger expressed by caresses and fowers. It is expressedmore eloquently by revolver shots or riding-whips. Thefollowing facts are proof of thiIS Seeing three natives grazing their sheep in his olivegroves, a French settler sent his wife for his rifle andcartridges. When they were brought to him, our civilizerlaid in wait behind a bush, and, bang bang I bang threeshots went off and the three natives fell gravely wounded Another French settler had working for him twonatives, Amdoumi and Ben-Belkhir. It seemed that thesehad taken a few bunches of grapes. The settler sent forthem and beat them mercilessly with a bull's pizzle until 31 ==========第17页========== After being knocked out by a Black, Carpentier calmlywent to visit Russia, the land of the Reds. We congratulate Siki on his victory. We also congratulate Carpentier on hisopen-mindedness. Fortune smiles only upon the rich, says the S D N17)(read sagesse des nations and not Societe des Nation Rene Maran(18)and Siki have caused much black ink toflow. Siki, furthermore, caused red blood to flow. Peoplde ABOUT SIKI are behaving as if both our African brothers need as muchink again. Following Marans ironical pen, Siki's gloves Ever since colonialism has existed, the Whites have have stirred everything, including even the political sphere. been paid to bash in the faces of the Blacks. For once,a And M. Luquet, Councillor of the Seine Department, im Black has been paid to do the same thing to a white. Being mediately tabled a motion attempting to ban boxing an opponent of all acts of violence, we disapprove of either M. Luquet must allow us to tell him respectfully procedure. that what he did was an anti-patriotic act. Here is our With a punch -if not scientifically aimed, at least explanation: from the point of view of international policy, amazingly well placed- Siki(14) definitely removed Car a feather-weight champion makes as much propaganda for penter from his pedestal to climb on to it himself our moral influence abroad as an immortal, a glorious The boxing championship has changed hands, but man, a song-writer or ten army corps(see the newspapers) national sporting glory has not suffered, because Siki. a From the national viewpoint, boxers are indispensable as child of Senegal, is in consequence a son of France, and an example of and stimulation to the physical excellence hence a Frenchman of the young generation. From the colonial viewpoint, a In spite of this, it so happens that every time Carpen- Carpentier-Siki match is worth more than one hundred tier wins, it is naturally due to his skill and science. But gubernatorial speeches to prove to our subjects and proteges every time he is beaten, it is always because of the brute that we want to apply to the letter the principle of equa strength of a Dempsey (15), or the dirty legwork of a Siki. lity between races. Will this threefold advantage be sacrificed This is the reason why at the Buffalo match(16), they to a vague humanitarianism No Isn't that so M. Sarraut wished to say -they had even made the statement-that Siki, though having won the match, lost it "just thesame". But the public, the good public, did not wish to We learn from the newspapers that Siki has just been see it in that light. And popular justice was triumphant: Siki was proclaimed champion of the world and of France. suspended for nine months from all boxing rings in France. Reason For having railed at M. Cuny. 32 HCM.3 33 ==========第18页========== What happened Before, Siki was glorified becausehe made Carpentiers nose swell today, he has not toucheda hair of M. Cuny's head and yet he is disgraced. Weare surely not going to be made to believe that M. Cunysface is any more fragile or any more peculiar than Car pentier's and that . but no. That is no way to understand it at all. We are rather inched to think this way Siki, a Black, will never be forgiven for having defeated Carpentier,a White, and if Carpentier bears no grudge, the chauvinism INDOCHINESE PROSPERITY of others does. And this charge is only a pretext..mo UNDER THE RULE OF M. LONG tivated by. We learn from the same newspapers that the British M. Albert Sarraut, our great Minister of Colonies, Home Ministry has banned the expected match between never misses an opportunity to go into raptures over the Joe Beckett and Siki in London. This does not surprise prosperity of Indo-China, of ' Indo-China, and over us. As His British Excellency could digest neither Kemal's the grandiose tasks that he and his have performed or are (10) croissant (20) nor Gandhis chocolate, he wants to performing there. To prove that he is telling the truth and have Battling Siki swallow his purge even though the latter nothing but the truth, we will put before him and our is a Frenchman. Understand friends the following passages, extracted from a letteraddressed to the newspaper Republique Francaise of December 6, I922, by Colonel Bernard who, set your Le Paria, Decen:ber 1, 1922 mind at rest, Mr. Minister, is not a communist. f Indochinese exports, ' says the letter 'are stationaryor even in regression. In I9I4 Indo-China exported 45,000kilos of silk, 99, ooo tons of maize, 48o tons of tea. Lastyear, it exported only I5, ooo kilos of silk, 32, 000 tons of maize, and I56 tons of tea. It is also believed that the Indochinese governmentis at this moment actively carrying out the big projectswhich are indispensable for the improvement of the colony. But, since 1914 not a kilometre of railway has been builtnor a hectare of ricefield reclaimed. Ten years ago M. Sarrahad a programme of works approved which included ==========第19页========== construction of a railway from Vinh to Dong Ha and thebuilding of four big irrigation systems all these workshave been suspended for over five years on the pretext oflack of credits. But, during the same period, Indo-Chinadevoted 65 million piastres, 450 million francs, to the construction of roads and civil buildings. Let M. Faget meditateon such figures Nearly half a billion spent for the cons- of motor-roads along which not even a ton of goods THE COLONIAL ABYSS travels, for the building of houses and offices for thecountless officials who swarm in Indo-China with all theluxuriance of tropical vegetation, and, meanwhile, works france possesses a colonial empire of ten million acknowledged as indispensable and already approved by a square kilometres, inhabited by 56 million people of yellow vote of parliament have been abandoned. and black races. To turn all this to advantage, M. Albert And dont think that there is any intention of Sarraut, Minister of Colonies, wants to find three or fourthousand million francs. To this end, he hasorganized changing the methods in Indo-China. In order to completethe Ig12 programme, M. Long has already asked Parlia big press campaign and made countless speeches. The ment for authority to raise a loan. Today, he is still asking worthy Minister has also written a book of 656 pages or permission to contract an agreement on it. Those who (price 20 francs per volume). Pending the arrival of these now have charge of the development of Indo-China seem thousands of millions, we beg His Excellency to allow us determined to do nothing really usefulif they are not first to fill out his arguments a little allowed to contract debts. As for budgetary resources, and The budget for Cochin-China, for example, which reserves accumulated during the war and post-war period, amounted to 5,561, 68o piastres (or 12, 79I, ooo francs) they have grandly decided to play ducks and drakes with for I9II, rose to 7,321, 817 piastres (or 16, 840, ooo francs) hem. if Parliament does not take a hand. for I912. In I922, it went up to I2, 821, 325 piastres(or 96, 169, ooo francs). A simple subtraction shows usthat between IgII and I922 there was a difference of La Vie OuDridre, December 22, 1922 83, 369, ooo francs(the rates for the piastre being 2.25 and 7.50 francs) in the budget of this colony. Where did thatmoney go Simply on expenses for personnel which in effect swallowed Ioo per cent of total receipts. Other examples of mad extravagance combine to throwaway money that the poor Annamese have sweated for. 37 ==========第20页========== We do not yet know the exact figure in piastres spent for At the Colonial School, where future civilizers are the Emperor of Annam's trip to France, but we do know turned out, 4I professors of all types are maintained to that to await the day of good augury, the only one on which teach 30 or 35 students. Again several thousand francs. the Bamboo Dragon (21) could embark, the vessel Porthos The permanent survey of defence works for the was paid compensation for four days at the rate of Ioo,ooo colonies costs the budget 758, 168 francs annually. francs per day(400, ooo francs). So Travelling expenses Now, Messrs the Inspectors have never left Paris 400, ooo francs, Reception expenses 240, ooo francs(not and do not know the colonies any better than they know including the pay of policemen charged with the extraordi the age-old moon. nary supervision of the Annamese in France); cost of If we go to other colonies, we everywhere find the lodging in Marseilles the Annamese militiamen for ' pre same corruption. For the reception of a semi-official'eco senting arms 'to His Excellency and His Majesty :77,60o nomic'mission, the budget of Martinique was relieved of francs 40, ooo francs. Within a period of ten years the budget of As we are in Marseilles, let us avail ourselves of the orocco has gone up from 17 to 200 million francs, Mo opportunity to see what its Colonial Exhibition has cost us. although they have cut down by 33 per cent expenditures First of all, in addition to catering for highly-placed of local interest, that is to say, expenses likely to benefit metropolitan personnel, they sent for about thirty high the native There are millions and even thousands of millions functionaries from the colonies who, while taking their that could be found easily if they knew how to look for aperitifs somewhere along the Cannebiere, were paidexpenses both at the Exhibition and in the colonies. Indo them. But the Minister prefers to try to get them out of thenatives China alone had to pay 12 million for this Exhibition. Anddo you know how this money was spent Here is an A question example: the famous reproduction of the Angkor Watpalaces required 8, ooo cubic metres of timber at 4oo or 5oo Is it true that, through excess of the humanitarian francs a metre. Total I, 200, 000 to I, 500, ooo francs feelings so many times proclaimed by M. Albert Sarraut, Other examples of waste. To carry M. le Gouverneur in the jail at Nha Trang(central Viet Nam) detainees General, luxury automobiles and cars were not enough, there have been put on dry rations, that is to say that they are had to be a special railway carriage for him. The fitting deprived of water at their meals Is it true that the up of this carriage cost the Treasury I45, 250 francs. detainees have had their noses coated with tincture of iodineto be more easily recognized in case of escape In eleven months of activity, the Economic Agencyburdened the economy of Indo-China with a sum of /Huwwnitd, January 1, 123 464,000 francs. 3 38 ==========第21页========== came to work ' voluntarily'or to be killed in France, thatyour civilizers-with impunity -have robbed, swindledmurdered or burnt alive Annamese, Tunisians and Senegalese You write next that acts of injustice are more numerous in france than in the colonies. Then allow me to tellyou, M. Archimbaud, that one should not pretend to give OPEN LETTER TO M. LEON ARCHIMBAUD lessons in equality or justice to others when one is unableto apply them at home. This is the most elementary logic, Deputy for Drome isnt it Reporter on the Budget for the colonies Member of the Colonial High Council According to you, the doings of your colonial admi-nistrators are known, commented upon and controlled b Sir the Governments General and the Ministry of Colonies In your speech tothe Chamber of Deputies you said Hence it must be one of two things. Either you are hare that if you had wished to do so you could have denounced brained and have forgotten the Baudoins, the Darles, the colonial scandals, but you prefer to pass over in silence the Lucases and so many others making up the galaxy which is crimes and offences committed by your civilizers in the the honour and pride of your Colonial Administration, and colonies. This is your right and it concerns only you, your who, after having committed heinous crimes, receive as conscience and your electors. As for us who have suffered punishment, only promotions and decorations. Or else you and will continue to suffer every day from these' bless are treating your readers as complete fools. ings of colonialism, we do not need you to tell us about You state that if france has sinned in colonial matters them. it is rather from an excess of generous sentiment than But when, writing in"Le Rappel '(22) you say that anything else. Will you tell us, M. Archimbaud, whether the facts pointed out by citizen Bourneton (23)are false it is out of these generous sentiments that the natives are or exaggerated, you yourself 'exaggerate'I First the deprived of all rights to write, speak and travel, etc Is it Minister of Colonies himself was obliged to recognize that out of these same sentiments that the ignoble condition of a' contemptuous state of mind towards native life'exists native is imposed on them, that they are robbed of And that he denied no act of brutality'denounced by their land only to see it given to the conquerors, and forced Deputy Boisneuf. And then can you deny, M. Archimbaud thereafter to work as slaves? You yourselves have said that during the last few years, that is to say following the hat the Tahitian race has been decimated by alcoholism war for ' the rule of law, for which 800,000 natives and is disappearing. Is it also from an excess of generosity ==========第22页========== that you are doing all you can to intoxicate the Annamesewith your alcohol and stupefy them with your opium You speak finally of‘duty;,“ humanity’andcivilization'! What is this duty You showed what itis throughout your speech. It is markets, competition,interests, privileges. Trade and finance are things whichexpress your humanity, Taxes, forced labour, excessiveexploitation, that is the summing up of your civilization! While you are waiting to receiveone of the finest IUST AS IN THE MOTHER COUNTRY claims to glory that can be dreamt of, 'allow me to tellyou,M. Archimbaud, that if Victor Hugo had known that Tulle is so far the only town in the world which can you would write such s, tuff to-day in his newspaper, he lay claim to the honour of possessing sensational anonymous would never have founded it letters. Today, Cochin-China, out of a spirit of filial piety Respectfully yours and in the hope of proving its indefectible loyalty to the Nguyen Ai Quoc civilizing country, has also just had "its' affair of anonymous letters. But the colony has'aped,badly, becauseinstead of a charming Mademoiselle Laval, it is an old e Paria. January 15, 1923 Annamese notable who has just been put in jail not forhaving abused anonymity but for having been accused byanonymous letters. Here is the substance of the affair One night in December I922, while the Annamesenotable (21) concerned was lost in his dreams, he suddenlyheard the sound of a rattle warning the inhabitants thatpirates(well, well where, then, was the security so muchboasted of by the officials ?)were operating on the bigriver, opposite Cho Lach. Our notable jumped out of hisbed, took hold of his rifle- this notable was also ruralconstable of a large domain -and immediately boarded hissampan together with two of his servants. Arriving on the spot, this brave notable and his menwere received with rifle fire from the pirates and one of themen received the bandits' volley right in his chest, and ==========第23页========== died a few seconds later. Our notable replied with a shotwhich missed its mark, but, in return, his enemies hit himin the right hand. On the mere accusation of an anonymous letter, thenotable in question was arrested on the charge of havingkilled his servant. Though the victims father and the other servant gaveevidence in favour of the accused, the latter is still in the MENAGERIE (25) shadow'waiting for the light of justice. We have racked our yellow brains in vain, yet we Le Paria, Februrary 1, 1923 cannot succeed in discovering the reason which led themen and women of France to found the remarkable institution called the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. First, the reason escapes us because we see thatthere are still so many unfortunate human beings whoappeal without result for a little care. Then, because allthese animals do not deserve so much benevolence and arenot as unhappy as all that. Except for the black lion whois useful to people accustomed to wrapping their feet inanimal pelts, most of these creatures are wicked, verywicked indeed Does not the bulldog - with his ugly teeth -come totear away the entire structure of the Paris Conference ? (26) Which obliges the Flemish monkey and the Gallic cock toconfront the German eagle in the Ruhr (27)alone. Did notthe Tiger (28), while he was still chained, devour severalministries of the Republic Were not millions and billionsuselessly expended through the agency of our gloriousfriends Kolchak and Wrangel to buy the skin of the Muscovite bear who, today more than ever, has no mind to letpeople have it all their own way ?(Ah I What an animal I 45 ==========第24页========== Which of our friends in France has not cause to com- I- Indo-China 13, 190, 846 francs lain of the yultures'(29) misdeeds Are not crows (30) 2- French West Africa 5,50,000 disastrously destructive in the moral field And what do 3- French Equatorial Africa 348,750 the chats-fourres '(31) do if not profit by dissensions 4 The Cameroons 390,000 and discords in society Is there not one animal which 5-Madagascar I,837,600 impudently permits that all disrespectful sons-in-law call 6-Martinique Io8,300 their mothers-in-law by its name Are there not expensive Guadeloupe 55,000 lovebirds which darken the conjugal bliss of many a 8-Guiana 62,50o family And are not cat-burglars the age-old enemies of 9New Caledonia 75,000 those who move from home Io- New hebrides 6o,000 Without taking account of the fact that the stronger II- Oceania 65,00 wolf is always right and that black sheep are a plague to I2-French Settlements in India I35,000 honest society, we.. but let us speak a little, before conclu I3- Somaliland 97,000 8 ding, of colonial beasts. I4- Reunion I5- Saint-Pierre-ct-Miquelon 14,0oo Just at the moment when M. Guinal is ready to pre to bring a few camels, cows and crocodiles (34)from the sent to the Academy of Sciences, through the medium of colonies to Marseilles. No effort it must be admitted, was M. Mangin a note relating to the utilization of shark skin spared by our civilizers to deck out a handful of native M. Albert Sarraut goes to the Isle of Dogs to deliver some sparrows- very obedient and very docile oes- of his ministerial speeches to the frozen cod of Saint-Pierre peacock feathers to turn them into parrots or watch-dogs et-Miquelon, and M. Citroen (32), for his part, launches A d if the African and Asian peoples are aware of this his civilizing caterpillar' across the Sahara. Both these peace and this prosperity, who then, are the busy missions-official and semi-official- will very probably beavers but those untiring disseminators of democracy obtain the happy result that people have a right to expect In short the lot of all these animals is relatively easy. from them, to whit, to know how to make a mouse bring If the members of the lofty S. P. C. A. had time to spare, forth a mountain and consolidate the position of the hey would perhaps do more useful work in taking care of colonial sharks the monkeys martyrized by Doctor Voronoff (35)and the It is generally believed that our protectors always poor native sheep which are forever being shorn carry out an ostrich policy. What a mistake, my friends Here is proof to the contrary on the mere invitation of Le /rle, Iehrmary I, 1923 the sardine at the 'old port(33), the Colonial Government has not hesitated a moment to cause to be spent by ==========第25页========== battered his head and put out one of his eyes with the butt ofhis revolver. This brute was acquitted by French justice. In Dahomey, the taxes, already exorbitant for thenatives, have been increased. Young people are draggedfrom their homes and land to become defenders of civilization. The natives are forbidden to have weapons todefend themselves against wild beasts which devastate UPRISING AT DAHOMEY entire villages. Education and hygiene are wanting. On theother hand, no means are spared to submit the 'protected French capitalism, anxious at the awakening of the Dahomeans to the abominable native status, which is an working class in France, has tried to transplant its threaten Institution placing man on the level of the beasts and dis ed domination to the colonies. It draws from them both ho:ouring the so-called civilized world. The natives, at the raw materials for its workshops and human materials for its end of their tether, revolt. Then there is bloody repression counter-revolution. Bourgeois newspapers in Paris and in Harsh measures are taken. Troops, machine-guns, mortars the provinces regularly devote entire pages to articles on the and warships are sent to the place and martial law is colonies. Generals and members of Parliament are deliver declared. People are arrested and imprisoned en masse. ing speeches on the colonies all over the country. These There is the kindness of civilization virtuous hacks and braggarts cannot find words enough intheir vocabulary to extol the loyalty of the natives and the La Vie Ouvriere, March 30, 1923 benefits of their civilization. Sometimes these gentlemenpush their impudence so far as to compare British colonialbrigandage with their own: they qualify British policy as af cruel method, or high-handed and maintain thatFrench practice is of the essence of justice and kindness a glance at our colonies is enough to appreciate howfine and gentle this civilization is. Recently, in Indo-China, a young French settler, afterhaving tied an Annamese spreadeagled with his face to theground, gave him one hundred and sixty strokes with acudgel. The victim, black and blue from head to foot, wasdetained all night. And the next day, the young civilizer 48 HICM-4 43 ==========第26页========== this outrage against prestige is called Doctor Holstarich. Letus record our sympathy for him But now let us take a look at what happened to the Annamese merchant His name was written down in the register of suspects,and filed together with the ' anti-French, amongst thoseon whom a close watch was to be kept. An army of French DESPOTISM IN INDO-CHINA and Annamese spies followed him closely with the missionof hourly noting his doings and investing all of them with PROTECTED AND PROTECTORS a sinister intent. This surveillance was carried out fairlyindiscreetly in order to discourage his friends and relatives The superintendent of police in Dalat(Annam) has from having dealings with him, to the point of making his a strange way of understanding his role as a civilizer. One life impossible. There was not a native who dared to come day this worthy collaborator of M. Sarraut wanted wooden and see him, whatever the reason might be. lanks. he sent out his men to fetch these materials at a Completely isolated from the rest of his fellow-crea native merchants. The latter did not wish to see his goods tures, the Annamese merchant had to choose betwee taken away without being paid beforehand. Hearing of this becoming a bandit or a beggar but the latter trade would the superintendent fumed and sent out armed men order have made him even more suspect. ing them to bring in the Annamese offender ' dead oralive’ Le Paria, July 16, 1923 To escape the anger of the representative of theprotector nation, the merchant, though ill, had to leavehis home and native soil, and seek refuge in anotherprovince, As a witness of the incident, a European doctorintervened in favour of the native. This scandalousinterference caused its author automatically to be transferred. It is in Kontum an unhealthy region muchfeared by Europeans that the doctor is now expiating his pro- native crime, while the Darleses and Baudoias baskpeacefully in honours and comfort. This criminal guilty of ==========第27页========== OPPRESSION HITS ALL RACES THE COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY ARMY Vorovsky (36), delegate of the workers'andpeasants' We are aware that colonial rivalry was one of the main Russia, was murdered in Switzerland by fascism. There was causes of the I914-I9I8 imperialist war. not one of the delegates of the very civilized and very Christian powers gathered at Lausanne who deigned to What all Frenchmen should realize, is that colonial attend his funeral. Only the Turkish delegation, headed by expeditions are largely responsible for aggravating the Ismet Pasha, came to pay tribute to the mortalremains of depopulation from which their country is now suffering. If the murdered man one looks at the statistics of military losses in killed and Ben radia, a worker of Tunisian origin, was murdered wounded sustained in the colonies, one is frightened by on May Day by the police. The Parisian workers'organi-zations gave him a big funeral. Thousands of workers the gap they have caused in an ever decreasing population stopped work on that day to follow their native comrade such as that of France. From January to June, I923, in Morocco alone, 840 soldiers were killed or wounded for the to his last resting place All the martyrs of the working class, those in Lausanne greater glory of Marshal Lyautey ! (37) like those in Paris, those in Le Havre like those in Marti What the French working class must realize, is that nique, are victims of the same murderer internationalcapitalism. And it is always in belief in the liberation of colonialism relies on the colonies to defeat all attempts at their oppressed brothers, without discrimination as to race emancipation on the part of the working class. No longer or country, that the souls of these martyrs will find supreme having absolute confidence in the white soldiers, who are consolation. more or less contaminated by the idea of classes, French After experiencing these painful lessons, the oppressed militarism uses African and Asian natives in their stead people of all countries ought to know on which side their Out of 159 regiments in the French Army, Io are composed true brothers are, and on which side their enemy. of colonial whites, i.e. semi-natives, 3o of Africans and39 of natives from other colonies, One half of the French arm le Pario. August 17, 1923 ny is thus recruited in the colonies. ==========第28页========== Now, an Annamese soldier is in service for four yearsand an Algerian for three years. Thus, according to the rec-koning of French militarism, two native soldiers are worthalmost five French Moreover, being ignorant of the language and politicsof the country, thinking that all whites belong to the raceof his exploiters, and finally spurred on by his white superiors, the native soldier will march forward submissivelyand blindly, where the French soldier, more conscious IT IS NOT MILITARISM, BUT might refuse to go. Therein lies the danger. One wonders for what reason 3I of the native regi- In brilliant fashion, M. Clemenceau (9)has proved to ments will be stationed on French territory For what the world in general and to the Americans in particular purpose are they intended Are the French going to be that France is neither a militarist country nor an imperialist civilized by these natives The intention of French capi one so there However, M. Archimbaud has recently talism is thus clear It is up to the French workers to act. somewhat destroyed the charm of the Tiger's'speeches They should fraternize with the native soldiers. They in his report on the budget for the colonies, in which he should make them understand that the workers of the wrote mother country and the soldiers from the colonies are In I9I4, the occupation army numbered 1, 8 52 offi equally oppressed and exploited by the same masters, that cers,I7,2go warrant-officiers and European soldiers, and they are all brothers of the same class, and that when the 42,099 natives, to which must be added, for Dahomey, hour of struggle strikes, they will have, one and the other, Guinea and the Ivory Coast, I, 979 men of the brigades to struggle against their common masters, and not between of native guards, who have at present been replaced by brothers regular troops. The total strength amounted to 63, 210 men Since the war, garrisons with a strength of I,7I2men have had to be established in the mandated territories La vie Ouvriere, September 7, 1923 of Togoland and the Cameroons Besides, special formations have had to be createdespecially in French West Africa, for the recruitmentincorporation and instruction of native contingents whoserve in France or abroad. These formations have absorbeda, a37 men, including 27I European officers and warrant-officer 54 ==========第29页========== Lastly the number of natives serving in France orabroad, and supplied by the possessions attached to the Ministry of Colonies, amounts to 45, 000 men If we add that, for Indo-China alone, military expenditure was, in I92I, more than 35, 600, ooo francs, whilethe budget for Public Education did not reach 350,000piastres, and that for health services 65,ooo piastres, all d the beauty of the colonial regime of the accommodating and ENGLISH. COLONIZATION peaceful French Republic can be appreciated English capitalism, while coveting the immense wealth I'Humanite, September 28, 1923 of China, has contented itself so far with colonizing Hong Kong and inside China practising the policy of the opendoor(39), a policy which has allowed it to exploit the countrywithout arousing the people. To-day it is no longer satisfiedwith this policy. It wants to go further: it wants to colonize the whole of China. Taking advantage of the Lingchen (40) incident and onthe pretext of ensuring the security of his compatriots, theBritish Ambassador in Peking has just carried out the firststage of this colonization. He has begun with the railways. Here are the proposals he has made to China: I-All lines built with British capital, or with materials bought from England and which are not yet entirelypaid for, will be put under British control 2- The land situated along the lines in question willso be put under this contr 3-Besides the railways policy, England will have theright to intervene in Chinas home affairs i 4-In case of armed conflicts between Chinese political factions, the British will have the right to grant orrefuse the use of these lines to whichever faction it chooses; ==========第30页========== 5- Priority of amortization of the loans advancedy the British in the use of the income derived from therailways Moreover, he demanded a)the setting up, within the Ministry of Communications in Peking, of an office of Railways Control, presidedover by a foreign official (read British official), having fullpowers over the working of all China's railways THE WORKERS, MOVEMENT IN TURKEY b)that the management of the railways also beentrusted to foreign representatives i c)the organization of a railway militia under the With a courage and spirit of sacrifice worthy of command of foreign officers admiration, the Turkish people have torn up the odious d)that the posts of book-keepers and railway mana Sevres treaty (1)and recovered their independence. They gers be filled by foreigners. have defeated the plotting of imperialism and overthrown The British have already taken in hand the salttax the throne of the Sultans. They have turned their exhausted and customs in China. Now they want to seize the railways torn and trampled nation into a united and strong republic. When one realizes that except for the lines in southern They have had their revolution. But like all bourgeois Manchuria, the Peking-Hankow and Lunghai lines, all revolutions, the Turkish revolution is profitable only to one others are built either with British capital or with mate class: the moneyed class. rials bought on credit from British firms, it can be seenwhat this plan, if realized, will cost China The Turkish proletariat, which greatly contributed to All the Chinese, without distinction as to political the struggle for national independence, is now obliged to trend, oppose this disguised colonization. The peking embark on another struggle the class struggle. Students' Union has launched an appeal to the working In this struggle, the Turkish working class is facing class of the world, asking it to use its influence to check this many obstacles. In Turkey, there are no trade unions such attempt against the independence of the Chinese people as those existing in the West. There are only corporations Let us hope that faced with this threat from British or friendly societies grouping workers of the same trade capitalism, the sons and daughters of China will unite in living in the same town. Workers of different trades living vIctorious resistance. n the same town or workers of the same trade living indifferent towns have no connection between them. This La ie Ouvriere, November 9, 1923 prevents any ettective common action. ==========第31页========== Notwithstanding this state of affairs, the year that has the Land of the Crescent. The refusal of the government to just ended was disturbed many times by a ferment of the recognize the birlik is tantamount to a gracious smile workers. Several strikes were launched in Constantinople directed to the foreign capital in the country, three fifths of at the Golden Horn, at Aldine, etc. Printers, railwaymen, which is French coastal vessel workers and workmen in petroleum store But the Turkish proletariat has made its first step. Itill houses and breweries waged struggles. Ten thousand wor- go on kers participated in the movement. Following these experiences, the Turkish workers have realized that organization I'Humanite, January 1. 1924 and discipline are necessary in order to triumph. The Constantinople Congress founds the Birlik Recently, a Workers'Congress was convened in Constantinople. Two hundred and fifty delegates were present. They represented I9,ooo Constantinople workers, I5,000 Zonguldak coal miners and Io, ooo workers from the leadmines at balyakaraidin It was decided to unite the 34 existing dernek into alik, or federation. This bold decision frightened the Government, which refused to recognize the birlik. It is tobe noted that the Governments attitude toward workershas changed a great deal since the end of the war. The Government was always in favour of the workers when itwas a question of driving out foreigners, but when it is amatter of organizing workers, it shows itself to be as reac-tionary as all other capitalist governments. Its oppositiontherefore surprises nobody. Besides, everybody knows thatsince the Lausanne event, Turkish capitalism is flirtingwith foreign capital, which, after having caused the deathsof thousands of poor Greeks and Turks without succeedingin colonizing Turkey, is now penetrating peacefully into ==========第32页========== reducing the unit of measure. As a result, taxes are automatically increased by a third in some localities, by twothirds in others. Yet this is not sufficient to appease thevoracity of the protector State, which increases the taxesyear by year. Thus, from I8go to I896, taxes doubled They were further increased by a half from I896 to 1898,and so on. The Annamese continued to let themselves befleeced, and our protectors, encouraged by the success ANNAMESE PEASANT CONDITIONS of these operations, continued their spoliation. Often despotism was mixed with plunder. In 1895 The Annamese in general are crushed by the blessings for example, the Administrator of a province in Tonking of French protection. The Annamese peasants especially stripped a village of several hectares to the advantage of are still more odiously crushed by this protection: as another village, the latter a Catholic one. The plundered Annamese they are oppressed as peasants they are robbed peasants lodged a complaint. They were jailed. Don't plundered, expropriated, and ruined. It is they who do all think that administrative cynicism stopped there. The the hard labour, all the corves. It is they who produce unfortunates who had been robbed were obliged to pay for the whole horde of loungers, civilizers and taxes until IgIo on lands which had been taken from them others. And it is they who live in poverty while their in 1895 executioners live in plenty and die of starvation when On the heels of the thieving Administration came the their crops fail. This is due to the fact that they are robbed thieving settlers. Europeans who, for all idea of agricul- on all sides and in all ways by the Administration, by ture and farming skill possessed only a big belly and a modern feudalism, and by the Church. In former times white skin, were given concessions whose size often under the Annamese regime, lands were classified into surpassed 20, ooo hectares. several categories according to their capacity for produc Most of these concessions were founded on legalized tion. Taxes were based on this classification. Under the theft. During the course of the conquest, the Annamese present colonial regime, all this has changed. When money peasants, like the Alsatians in I870, had abandoned their is wanted, the French Administration simply has the lands to seek refuge in the still free part of the country. categories modified. With a stroke of their magic pen, they When they came back, their lands had been given away. have transformed poor land into fertile land, and the Entire villages were thus plundered, and the natives Annamese peasant is obliged to pay more in taxes on his reduced to tenants of the lords of a modern feudalism, fields than they can yield him who sometimes appropriated as much as go per cent of That is not all. Areas are artificially increased by the crops 62 3 ==========第33页========== On the pretext of encouraging colonization, exemption obtain from them whatever it wanted. In this way, one from land taxes was made in favour of a great number o Governor General conceded to the Mission 7, ooo hectares these big landholders of river land belonging to natives who were thus at onestroke reduced to beggary. After securing the land at no cost whatsoever, thelandholders obtained manpower for nothing or next to From this brief survey, one can see that behind a nothing. The Administration supplied them with numbers mask of democracy, French imperialism has transplantedin Annam the whole cursed mediaeval regime, including of convicts who worked for nothing, or used its machineryto recruit workers for them who were paid starvation wages the salt tax; and that the Annamese peasant is crucified If the Annamese did not come in sufficient numbers or if on the bayonet of capitalist civilization and on the Cross they showed discontent, violence was then resorted to: of prostituted Christianity. landholders seized the mayors and notables of villages,cudgelled and tortured them until these unfortunates had La Vie Ouvriere, January 4, 1924 signed a contract, pledging themselves to supply the required number of workers Besides this temporal power, there are spiritual'savours'who, while preaching the virtue of poverty to the Annamese, are no less zealous in seeking to enrich themselves through the sweat and blood of the natives. In Cochin-China alone, the Sainte Mission Apostolique'onits own possesses one fifth of the ricefields in the region Though not taught in the Bible, the method of obtainingthese lands was very simple usury and corruption. The Mission took advantage of the years when crops failed tolend money to peasants, obliging them to pawn their landsas a guarantee. The rate of interest being usurious, the Annamese could not pay off their debts at the due time ias a result, all pledged lands fell into the possession of the Mission. The more or less generous governors to whom themother country entrusted the destiny of Indo-China weregenerally dolts or blackguards. It was enough for the Mission to have in its hands certain secret, personal andcompromising papers to be able to frighten them and 5 ==========第34页========== other landlords' land thus he is proletarianized andbecomes exploited According to information given by the Ministry- of Agriculture, in I9I8, 43,935, 478 families were in thisunstable situation There are two systems of share-cropping fixed andconditional. With the first system the small landlord or CHINESE PEASANT CONDITIONS the poor peasant rents lands, paying a sum of money for afixed period. If it is a bumper crop the tenant-farmer gains China is an essentially agricultural country, 85 per no big profit, because the landlord has worked things out cent of its population being peasants. They can be divided well and never leases his land at a loss. On the other hand into four categories: big landlords, middle landlords, small if it is a bad crop the tenant farmer is completely ruined landlords, and poor peasants and agricultural workers whereas the landlord loses nothing In that country there are from 250 to 300 big land With conditional share-cropping the landlord takes lords possessing each more than I0, 000 mou (42) of land. from 35 to so per cent of each harvest. Most of them are big mandarins or nobles. About 30,000 The Chinese agrarian system being one of parcelling, landlords each possess more than I, ooo mou, and 300,o0o almost all peasants, however poor they may have been,in more than Ioo mou. former times owned a small patch of land which allowedthem 'to procure incense sticks for the ancestral altar The social conditions of small landlords possessing However, at present many of them have absolutely nothing from Io to Ioo mou are rather complex and fluid. With the not even'a piece of ground in which to drive a nail. Their same quantity of land, a peasant can be either an exploiter, hands are their only wealth. To earn their bowl of rice, exploited or a‘ neuter’ they hire themselves out as servants or as seasonal workers If his family is large enough to till the land on its Seasonal workers have neither fixed wages, nor regular own, the peasant is'neuter work. After the harvest is completed, they go into the town If his family is not large enough the peasant is obliged or go fishing. Adult servants earn between 25 and 4o dollars to lease the portion of land he cannot afford to work thus a year, besides being clothed and fed. Children employed he becomes an exploiter. as cowherds earn from three to five dollars a year. If his family is too large, in order to meet his needs, The invasion of foreign capitalists upsets the balance the peasant is obliged to rent, besides the land he owns, of prices between manufactured goods and products of the ==========第35页========== soil. The peasant must always sell his rice or potatoes at To remedy all this, our Chinese comrades must vigor a cheap price to pay for his implements which are now much ously wage an intensive campaign for the education of the more expensive than before. With the coming of capitalism, masses,so that they may become fullyy aware oftheir the landlords traditional and patriarchal spirit disappears strength and their rights, and thus be able to apply the and is replaced by a fierce craving for gain. Spurred by the slogan, ' Land to the tiller. example of his colleagues in the towns, the landlord tendsto grab more and more land. Many land exploitation companies are founded, covering immense domains and driving La ie Ouvriere, January 4, 1924 out a multitude of small peasants. Companies such as the Fu Li Land Reclamation Co. Ltd own more than 300,ooomou of land Floods, typhoons, famine and civil wars are just somany causes of poverty for the peasant. The corrupted bureaucracy of officialdom is also partIresponsible. The government tried to improve agriculturey founding experimental stations. As soon as they were b created, these establishments became pickings for the mandarins, instead of being institutions serving the people Militarism is another scourge. All the Napoleons, bigand small, enrich themselves and enrich their partners andhangers-on with the sweat of the peasants who yearly payin taxes about 225, 000, ooo dollars. Taxes weigh moreheavily on the small peasants than on the rich ones becausethe latter are in general officials or friends of officials. Lastly, the primitive method of working and the backward education contribute further to aggravating the condi-tions of the toiling masses. In 19r8, more than I5,500,ooopeasants and workers deserted the countryside, by theirpresence swelling the ranks of those exploited in the towns,and the army of unemployed 69 ==========第36页========== At first they did not believe that anywhere on earthcould there exist such a man and such a programme. Butlater they heard, although vaguely, of the Coommunist Parties, of the organization called the Communist Inter- nationaI which is fighting for the exploited peoples, for all learned that Lenin was the leader of that organizatio be the exploited peoples including themselves. And y And this alone was enough to make these peoples LENIN AND THE COLONIAL PEOPLES though their cultural standard is low, they are grateful folkand of goodwill-whole-heartedly respect Lenin. They Lenin is dead ! This news struck the people like look upon Lenin as their liberator. 'Lenin is dead, so a bolt from the blue. It spread to every corner of the fertile what will happen to us Will there be other courageous plains of Africa and the green fields of Asia. It is true and generous people like Lenin who will not spare their that the black or yellow people do not yet know clearly who Lenin is or where Russia is. The imperialists have delibe- time and efforts in concerning themselves with our libera rately kept them in ignorance, Ignorance is one of the tion? This is what the oppressed colonial peoples are chief mainstays of capitalism. But all of them, from the wondering. Vietnamese peasants to the hunters in the Dahomey forests, As for us, we are deeply moved by this irretrievable have secretly learnt that in a faraway corner of the earth loss and share the common mourning of all the peoples with there is a nation that has succeeded in overthrowing its our brothers and sisters, But we believe that the Commu exploiters and is managing its own country with no need nist International and its branches, which include branches for masters and Governors General. They have also heard in colonial countries, will succeed in implementing the that that country is Russia, that there are courageous lessons and teachings the leader has left behind for us. To people there, and that the most courageous of them all was do what he advised us, is that not the best way to show Lenin. This alone was enough to fill them with deep admir- our love for him ation and warm feelings for that country and its leader. In his life-time he was our father, teacher, comrade But this was not all. They also learned that that great and adviser. Nowadays, he is the bright star showing us leader, after having liberated his own people, wanted to the way to the socialist revolution liberate other peoples too. He called upon the white peoples Eternal Lenin will live forever in our work to help the yellow and black peoples to free themselvesfrom the foreign aggressors' yoke, from all foreign aggressors, Governors General Residents, etc. And to reach that Pravda, January 27, 1924 goal, he mapped out a definite programme ==========第37页========== strike. Those of the Senchu Co. obtained the same advantage as soon as the decision to strike was communicated tothe managing staff. Other firms resisted, alleging that, inspite of the accumulation of orders, they had not beenmaking big profits because of the increased price of rawmaterials and that, on the other hand, having insufficientraw cotton, they are in no way worried by the strike. WORKERS MOVEMENT IN THE FAR EAST In fact, they are seized with panic. They have hadthe town occupied by the local police, reinforced by othersfrom neighbouring towns. They have tried to weaken the Osaka is one of the big Japanese industrial centres movement by having the Secretary General of the Labour remainingundamaged Inthe last earthquake. The misfor Federation and a great number of militants and demonstra tune of other Japanese turned out to be the good fortune of tors arrested. The result of the bosses' attempts is nil the manufacturers of this town who are at present enjoying because the strike remains as energetically led as it was on an unprecedented prosperity. Despite the rapid increase in the first day and the workers are resolved to go on strug the cost of living which weighs heavily on the workers' gling till the end. meagre budget, wages have remained the same as before the Electricians and mechanics have gone on strike in soli catastrophe. Placed in this impossible situation and in face darity. The workers in State factories have promised to use of the employers'refusal to bring about the required im every means to support theirr comrades in struggle. Thus provements, the workers in the cotton mills have been on supported, the strikers are full of enthusiasm and have no strike since the end of November doubt of victory. The strike demands are In the struggle between capital and labour in the Far I-A 20 per cent increase in wages East, odd things occur which are impossible to understand 2-A reduction in the price of food supplied by the in Western countries, but which are done most seriously mill out there. For instance, to hinder its workers from joining 3-Improvement of the dining-halls and bath-rooms their comrades on strike, the Kishiwada Company simply 4- Payment of so per cent of wages to workers had the exits bolted. The Knawada electrical engineering absent through sickness works, unable to come to an agreement with its personnel 5-Reinstatement of workers recently dismissed. on the question of wages, decided on a lock-out. But before Recently, the workers of the Oriental Hemp and dismissing the workers, it paid them four whole days' wages Nagosi companies obtained an increase in wages through a and two days pay as compensation ==========第38页========== Anti- militarist strike With a view to breaking the organization that theworkers have just set up, the management of the Shuikaoshun mines(China) sent for General Chao's soldiers.Immediately on arrival, the latter began to occupy the workersclub. To protest against this action of the soldiery, threethousand miners spontaneously went on strike. Theysurrounded the soldiers and tried to disarm them. Thesoldiers shot at them, wounding many strikers. The thing INDO-CHINA AND THE PACIFIC went further than had been desired by the management,who then tried to preach law and order. But the miners The seat of the next world conflagrationFrance wants to improve its colonies-How answered that they would resume their work only when the French colonies are vegetating - The inten compensation had been granted to the victims, and their ified exploitation of the Annamese demands- made up of nine clauses- had been accepted. At first sight, it seems that the question of Indo-Chinaand the Pacific is of no concern to European workers. But La Vie Ouvriere, January 25, 1924 it must be remembered that a-During the revolution, the Allies, not havingsucceeded in their attack on Russia from the West, tried toattack it from the East. And the Pacific powers, the United States and Japan, landed their troops in Vladivostock, whileFrance sent Indochinese regiments to Siberia to supportthe White b- At present, international capitalism draws all itsvital force from the colonial countries. It finds there rawmaterials for its factories, investments for its capital.markets for its products, cheap replenishments for itslabour army, and above all native soldiers for its counter-revolutionary army. One day, revolutionary Russia will haveto cope with this capitalism. It is thus necessary for the D Russian comrades to realize the full strength and all theimmediate and long- term manceuvres of their adversary. 74 ==========第39页========== c-Having become the centre of attraction for impe is that populous islands are being entirely depopulated,in rialist ambitions, the Pacific area and the neighbouring a short time, by alcohol and forced labour. Fifty years ago, colonies are likely in the future to become the seat of a the Marquesas had more than 20, ooo souls, but now have new world conflagration, whose proletariat will have to only I, 5oo weak and debilitated inhabitants. Tahiti had its bear the burden population reduced by 25 per cent in ten years. From these These statements of fact prove that the Pacific problem declining populations, French imperialism has further taken will concern all proletarians in general more than I, 5o0 men to serve as cannon-fodder during the Therefore, to reconstruct France ruined by an impe war. This rapid extinction of a race seems unbelievable rialist war, the Minister of French Colonies has worked out However, it is a fact to be observed in many colonies.(In a plan for developing the colonies. This plan aims to the regions of the Congo, populations of 40, ooo inhabitants exploit the resources of colonized countries for the benefit fell to 30, ooo in the space of twenty years. Saint Pierre-et- of the colonizing country. This plan states that Indo-China Miquelon Island had 6, 500 inhabitants in Igo2; in I922 must help the other colonies in the Pacific to intensify this colony had only 3, goo, etc. their production so that in their turn, they too can be Most islands in the French Pacific have been yielded useful to the mother country. If the plan were carried out to concessionary companies which rob the natives of their it would necessarily lead to the depopulation and impo land and make them work as slaves. Here is an example perishment of Indo-China showing how the native workers are treated. Two hundred Lately, however, the Government Council of Indo mother-of-pearl divers were sent by force by the French China, despite the resistance of Annamese opinion, unani Company of Oceania to plantations 8oo miles from their mously voted for the carrying out of the plan. To under native districts.(It is as if tailors were sent to work in stand the importance of this unanimity, it is useful to mines). They were penned up in a small schooner fitted know that this Council is composed of the Governor up for ten passengers and lacking any life-saving equip General of Indo-China, the General Commander-in-Chief ment, and embarked without being allowed to see their of the troops in Indo-China and about thirty high ranking wives and children. For two years, these unfortunate French civil servants, as well as five native mandarins toilers were kept prisoner in the companys gaol. Many tools of the Governor. And all these gentlemen pretend to were harshly treated. Others died act for Indo-China and in the interests of the Annamese Add to this inhuman exploitation, the immorality of people. Imagine Eskimos or Zulus deciding the fate of a the rascals to whom French imperialism entrusts the European people. administration of these islands, and you will see in all its According to an official avowal, the colonies in the beauty the regime of exploitation and oppression which is Pacific are afflicted with debility, and are living - if we leading the colonized countries in the Pacific to death and can call it living -at a slower and slower rate. The truth extinction. 76 ==========第40页========== Imperialism has now reached a degree of almost francs, a sum which is almost entirely used to fatten spon scientific perfection. It uses white proletarians to conquer gers. Moreover, Indo-China is responsible for big military the proletarians of the colonies. Then it hurls the proleta expenses, elegantly called a' filial contribution, by the rians of one colony against those of another. Finally it Minister of Colonies relies on the proletarians of the colonies to rule white It is from this oppressed, weakened and emaciated proletarians. Senegalese had the sad distinction of having country that millions of piastres and several thousand men helped French militarism to massacre their brothers of the (40,000 to begin with)are further going to be wrung to /. Congo, the Sudan, Dahomey and Madagascar. Algerians satisfy the insatiable appetites of the concessionaries and fought in Indo-China, Annamese were garrisoned in Africa the personal ambitions of a gang of unscrupulous And so on. During the great slaughter, more than one politicians. million colonial peasants and workers were brought to It is not enough to demoralize the whole Annamese Europe to massacre white peasants and workers. Only race with alcohol and opium. It is not enough to take recently, French soldiers in the Ruhr were surrounded by 40,000 volunteers yearly for the glory of militarism. It native soldiers, and native light infantry were sent against is not enough to have turned a people of 20 million souls German strikers, Almost half of the French army is com into one big sponge to be squeezed by money-grubbers. posed of natives, to the number of about 300, ooo. We are, on top of all this, to be endowed with slavery. Beyond this military usefulness, capitalism uses these It is not only the fate of the proletariat in Indo-China colonies for the most skilful economic exploitation. It is and the Pacific area, but also that of the international often noticed that a decrease in wages in some regions in proletariat, which is threatened by these imperialist actions. france and in some trades, is always preceded by an Japan commands the telegraphic stations on Yap Island increase in the proportion of colonial labour. The natives The United States is spending millions of dollars on are employed as strike-breakers. Capitalism now uses one improving the turret-guns of its warships in the Pacific. colony as a tool for exploiting another this is the case of England will turn Singapore into a naval base. France Indo-China and the Pacific area. Indo-China, despite the finds it necessary to build a Pacific Empire. noisy untruths of the officials, is exhausted. During I914 Since the Washington Conference (43), colonial rival- I918, almost Ioo, ooo Annamese(official number 97,903 ries have become sharper and sharper, imperialist follies men)were dragged from their homes to be sent to Europe. greater and greater, and political conflicts more and more Although deprived of so many hands for production, Indo- unavoidable. Wars have been launched over India, Africa China was obliged to send, for the defence of its oppressors, and Morocco. Other wars may break out over the Pacific more than 500, ooo tons of edible grains. Hundreds of area if the proletariat is not watchful millions of francs were raked off in 'victory loans.Eachyear, the Annamese sweat blood to yield up about 450,ooo La Correspondance Internationale, No 18, 19.4 79 ==========第41页========== victorious revolution. One of its first important acts wasthe founding of the University of the East Today, this university has I, 022 students, including I5I girls and 895 communists. Their social composition isas follows 547 peasants, 265 workers and 210 proletarianintellectuals If account is taken of the fact that Eastern countries THE U. SS R. AND THE COLONIAL PEOPLES are almost exclusively agricultural, the high percentage ofstudents of peasant origin can readily be understood. In Colonialism is a leech with two suckers one of which India, Japan, and especially in China, it is the intellectuals sucks the metropolitan proletariat and the other that of the faithful to the working class who lead the latter in struggle i colonies. If we want to kill this monster, we must cut off this explains the relatively large number of intellectuals both suckers at the same time. If only one is cut off, the among the students at the University. The relatively lownumber of worker students is due to the fact that industry other will continue to suck the blood of the proletariat,the animal will continue to live and the cut-off sucker will and commerce in Eastern countries naturally excepting are still undeveloped. Moreover, the presence of grow again. The Russian revolution has grasped this truthclearly. That is why it is not satisfied with making fine 75 pupils from the age of ten to 16 years must be noted. platonic speeches and drafting 'humanitarian'resolutions One hundred and fifty professors are responsible for in favour of oppressed peoples, but it teaches them to giving courses in social science, mathematics, historical gle; and helps them spiritually, as proclaimed by materialism, the history of the workers'movement, natura Lenin in his theses on the colonial question. To the Baku science, the history of revolutions, political economy, etc. Congress(44), 2I Eastern nations sent delegates. Represen- Young people of 62 nationalities are fraternally united in the class-rooms tatives of Western workers'parties also participated in thework of this congress. For the first time the proletariat of The University has ten large buildings. It also has a the conquering Western States and that of the subject cinema which is put at the students' disposal free on Thursdays and Sundays; the other days of the week, it Eastern countries fraternally joined hands and deliberatedin common on the best means to defeat their common operates on behalf of other organizations. Two librariescontaining about 47,ooo books help the young revolution enemy imperialism aries to make thorough studies and to train their minds Following this historic congress, despite internal and Each nationality orgroup has its own library composed external difficulties, revolutionary Russia has never hesitated of books and publications in the mother tongue. The to come to the help of peoples awakened by its heroic and reading-room, artistically decorated by the students, has a (M=0 81 ==========第42页========== wealth of newspapers and periodicals. The students them- gularly and in turn work in the kitchen, the library, the reg selves publish a newspaper, the sole copy of which is posted club, etc. All'misdemeanours'and disputes are judged on a big board by the door of the reading-room. Students and settled by an elected tribunal in the presence of all who are ill are admitted to the University hospital. There comrades. Once a week, the Commune'holds a meeting is a sanatorium in the Crimea for the benefit of students to discuss the international political and economic situation who need rest. The Soviets have allotted to the University From time to time, meetings and evening parties are two camps composed of nine buildings each for holidays. organized where the amateur artists introduce the art and Each camp has a centre where the students can learn cattle culture of their country. breeding.'We already have 3o cows and 5o pigs, said The fact that the communists not only treat the"infe the agrarian secretary' of the University with pride. The rior natives of the colonies ' like brothers, but that they get Ioo hectares of land allotted to these camps are cultivated them to participate in the political life of the country, is by the students themselves. During their holidays and highly characteristic of the barbarity'of the Bolsheviks outside working hours, they help the peasants in their Treated in their native country as'submissive subjects'or labour. One of these camps was, by the way, formerly the proteges,, having no other right but that to pay taxes, the property of a Grand Duke. It is a memorable sight to see Eastern students, who are neither electors nor eligible for from the top of the tower, adorned with a grand ducal election in their own country, from whom the right even to crown, the red flag fluttering, and in 'His Excellency's express their political opinion is withdrawn, in the Soviet entertainment room, the young Korean and Armenian Union take part in the election of the Soviets and have the peasants thoroughly enjoying their games right to send their representatives to the Soviets. Let our The students of the University are fed, clothed and brothers of the colonies who vainly seek a change of na- lodged free. Each of them receives six gold roubles per tionality make a comparison between bourgeois democracy month as pocket-money. and proletarian democracy. To instil into the students a true idea of childrens These students have suffered themselves and have educationthe University has a model creche and a day- witnessed the sufferings of others. All have lived under the nursery looking after 6o small children. yoke of ' high civilization,, all have been victims of ex- The yearly expenses of the University amount to ploitation and oppression by foreign capitalists. Moreover, 561, ooo gold roubles. they passionately long to acquire knowledge and to study. The 62 nationalities represented at the University form They are serious and full of enthusiasm. They are entirely a Commune. Its chairman and functionaries are elected different from the frequenters of the boulevards of the Latin every three months by all the students. Quarter (45), the Eastern students in Paris, Oxford and A student delegate takes part in the economic and Berlin. It can be said without exaggeration that under the administrative management of the University. All must roof of this University is the future of the colonial peoples ==========第43页========== The colonial countries of the Near and Far East,stretching from Syria to Korea, cover an extent of morethan I5 million square kilometres and have more than1, 200 million inhabitants. All these immense countries arenow under the yoke of capitalism and imperialism. Althoughtheir considerable numbers should be their strength, thesesubmissive peoples have never yet made any serious attemptsto free themselves from this yoke. Not yet having realizedthe value of international solidarity, they have not known WHAT FRENCH IMPERIALISM IS CAPABLE OF how to unite for the struggle. Relationships between theircountries are not yet established as they are among the Some Hindus, whose only crime was to have struggled peoples of Europe and America. They possess gigantic for the independence of their country, were pursued by His strength and do not yet realize it. The University of the Britannic Majesty's police. Some took refuge in the French East assembling all the young, active and intelligent leaders possessions in India(46). They were counting on the right of the colonized countries, has fulfilled a great task, namely of asylum. The French colonial authorities have just a- It teaches to the future vanguard militants the expelled them. principles of class struggle, confused in their minds by race It is not the first time that French imperialism has conflicts and patriarchal customs een the accomplice of other imperialists, and has com- b-It establishes between the proletarian vanguard mitted infamies of this kind. During the war, while the of the colonies a close contact with the Western proletariat,thus preparing the way for the close and effective co Blacks of Africa were being massacred on French soil to operation which will alone ensure the final victory of the defend‘ Civilization’,‘ Humanity;,etc, france was inleague with Italy to forbid the Tripolitanians, pursued by international working class i c- It teaches the colonized people, hitherto separated Italian bandits, from seeking refuge on Tunisian territory. from one another, to know one another and to unite, by And here is what happened y creating the bases of a future union of Eastern countries A thousand Tripolitanians, old men, young men, one of the wings of the proletarian revolution women and children, pushing before them their poor herds d-It sets the proletariat of colonialist countries an of cattle, came one fine day during the war to use their example of what they can and must do in favour of their right to seek refuge in Tunisia. At the border, French oppressed brothers. troops, with the help of machine-guns, barred the way tothem. The fugitives were faced with this horrible alternative: either to be massacred by the French or to draw back La Correspondance internationale to the Sahara to die of hunger and thirst. They adopted a German edition- No 46, 1924 ==========第44页========== third solution. All of them lay down upon the sand anddied slowly on the spot, under the eyes of 'our ' frontierguards. Here is what Mme. Claire Geniaux wrote about thistragedy in the newspaper P Universel: Through telescopes, our officers day after dayfollowed the phases of the slow death of these simple souls,to whom the Latin nations had come to bring the blessings THE FAILURE OF FRENCH COLONIZATION of civilization. The babies died first at their mothersexhausted breasts. The women were not much longer in The last reshuffling of Poincare's(47)ministry did not succumbing In their turn the old men, already reduced to fail to have repercussions in the colonies. France always a painful thinness, were covered by the sand, and soon the pretends that it is the first colonial power that has known younger men themselves gave no more sign of life. When all how to colonize. M. Albert Sarraut too, has always boasted these rebels were believed to be dead, Doctors Natal that he is the first Frenchman to know how to develop the and Conseil noticed some little girls who seemed still to colonies. For this development, he demanded 4,o00 million be moving beside their parents'rigid corpses. In the night, francs. To find this sum, he wrote a book of 656 pages. they went up to them and observed that the hearts of these Now, this great minister has just been expelled from his charming brightly clad little creatures who, during the first Party for having voted for his boss Poincare, And the days had frolicked about like baby goats, were still beating, ungrateful Poincare, in his turn, has just thrown the great if very feebly. Having hidden them in their ambulance minister out. Thus the latter has been ousted from his they were happy to be able to revive them. Moved by post, without having his millions or his colonies developed their suffering, their grace and their charm, these doctors He has been replaced by a soldier, I beg your pardon, an kept them as servants, the only survivors of a tribe of a f unknown colonel,(48). This expulsion shows us, once thousand Tripolitanians. again,that colonization has gone bankrupt. This heart-breaking testimony does not come from a While waiting for something better, the French tax revolutionary woman payer pays, every year, more than 237 million francs(I923budget) for his Ministry of Colonies, and more than French imperialism does not hesitate to commit the I, I72, 186,ooo francs for the colonial troops and expendi most abominable crimes ture in Morocco, that is to say I, 409, 186, ooo francs. Each Frenchman rich or poor, old man or infant, La Correspondance Internationale, No. 20, 1924 man or woman- is thus obliged to pay into the"civilizing mission' fund more than 36 francs a year. And for 86 ==========第45页========== whose benefit It is not for his owa, that is to say, the 3, 617 tons of cotton taxpayers. And still less for that of France. We shall 30, 76o quintals of pepper explain this a little further on 21,492 quintals of beans In I922, for example, the general trade of the French 6oo tons of hides colonies amounted to 4,358, 105,ooo francs(2, 104, 458 for 12,798 quintals of rattan imports and 2, 253, 647, o0o for exports). Out of this sum, I2, 3I9 quintals of lac the traffic between France and its colonies amounted to 8, 499 quintals of coffee only I, 585 million francs, while that between the colonies 6, 084 quintals of tea and foreign countries amounted to 2, 773, 105, o0o francs. 480, 883 kilos of cinnamon Concerning Indo-China, the figure is still more elo II7, 24I kilos of oil of Chinese anise (50) quent. Of the 5,484 ships registered in Indochinese ports 17, 94 kilos of silk and which carried 7, I52, 910 tons of goods, there were only Well, do you know what is the natives share in this 779 French ships carrying I, 464, 852 tons, compared with gigantic trade in the product of his land and his labour 789 English vessels carrying I, 575,079 tons. going on under his nose He had all told 542 sailing boats Out of 807, 729, 362 francs worth of imports in I921 displacing 12, 23I tons According to this outline, we can france had only 247, 602, 029 francs. conclude that French colonization is only practised in France and its colonies had only 169, 187, 125 francs favour of a gang of adventurers, dishonest and ineffectual out of an export figure of I, 284, 003, 885 francs. politicians of the mother country, alcohol and opium Is this to the natives advantage You will see. racketeers, unscrupulous profiteers, and dubious financiers In 1923, Indo-China exported The proof Here it is: the Bank of Indo-China had aturnover of only 24 million francs in 1876, but I45 in 1, 439, 955 tons of rice 1885, 222 in I895, 906 in I9o5, 2, 005 in 19I7, 6, 718 622, 035 tons of I92 65, 413 tons of cement And its profits have increased from 126, ooo francs in 61, 917 tons of maize I876 to 22, 854,ooo francs in I921 312,467 quintals of fish Who gets them 27, 6go tons of zinc I9,56head of cattle7,927 tons of sugar La Correspondance Internationale, No 26 1924 6, 86o tons of copra(49)46, 229 tons of rubber7, 158 tons of dyestuffs 88 ==========第46页========== the administrative service of Indo-China raises a.sub-scription. Here is what happens: On the basis of thedensity of population and the tax-rolls in the province, the Administrator determines the amount needed for the festival, multiplies it by three, four or five, fixes the date ofpayment, summons the notables of the village, and says' I'm in need of money. Here is the sum I want, and thedate of payment assigned. Do what you can. If not.'" THE GLORIES OF FRENCH CIVILIZATION In order not to be jailed, the notables' do their best. The multiplicand of the compulsory subscription in used to When the representation of colonial people in the pay homage to great men, while the product of the French Parliament was being mooted, M. Paul Tapponnier multiplication is pocketed by M. Administrator. The said in the Chamber of Deputies, " France is generous and easants suffer for these additional taxes so often levied on her kindness is felt at all times. There is nothing to com them. pare with French civilization. We sincerely thank this Generosity: The slogan ' Germany shall pay has deputy for having given us the opportunity of citing, apart been succeeded by The colonies shall pay. The mother from her obstinacy in persisting in civilizing the natives country asks the colonies to devote all their forces, all their with guns and bayonets, some of Frances imperishable abilities, all their will, all their resources to help her restore virtues her economy while she has just banned the export of Politeness Colonial custom has it that every native, Alsatian potash to the colonies, keeping this product regardless of rank, age and sex, must humbly bow to a strictly for French agriculture. European. In Indo-China, Madagascar and other colonies, equality: French citizens serve eighteen months the native people are manhandled, beaten and jailed for in the army while colonial people are compelled to serve having overlooked this mark of respect due to the prestige three or four years with the flag under whose folds spirits, of the civilizers. Only recently an administrator at Medjana opium, corvee, porterage, native status and spoliation are (Algeria)had some local natives arrested who, absorbed in introduced into their countries. While the natives are their work, did not notice the august stroller and failed to exiled, deported and jailed on flimsy pretexts, planters and bow to him. administrators accused of assassination, bribery, dereliction Liberality: In Indo-China, on the occasion of a visit of duty and theft enjoy a brilliant career. I will not speak by a Joffre (51), or Clemenceau's birthday, or the inaugural of Darles, State Councillor of Cochin-China, or Baudoin tion of a monument in honour of The Dead for the Governor General of Indo-China i their stories are already Fatherland,, or the reception of an envoyof the Republic, two or three years old. I only wish to mention the two 0 ==========第47页========== officials in Algeria who, publicly accused last April of Because our goal is obviously not to killas many committing forgery, of embezzlement of public funds and dissidents as possible, but to bring them quickly to sub other crimes, were acquitted. I would also like to speak mission of the European councillors in the same colony who were It is owing to this great concern that, since Gig, that not unduly worried while notoriously recognized as authors is following the victory of‘law'and‘ Justice’ in the or accomplices in the assassination of a native world, 8oo French soldiers and 5, 000 Moors have been Freedom: Work is Freedom'says a Gallic proverb. killed in Morocco, on the occasion of the annexation to That is why the natives are compelled to do forced labour. france of 72, 7oo hectares of land from the Moroccans Recently, the French Senate highly praised the statement to"France ten million square kilometres in area and one made by the Governor General of A.O.F.(French East hundred million people strong Africa)in which it was said that "one must beware ofdreams as much as of formulae: cotton production is a La Correspondance internationale No 32, 1924 government concern, and, to this end, the natives must becompelled to grow cotton. By this means, France canreceive from her colonies Ioo, ooo tons of cotton per year. This method was applied in French East Africa for cocoa It was applied in I916 on the Ivory Coast for the supplyof 6oo tons of cotton With all this, France, of course, remains the liberatorof mankind and the champion of the abolition of slavery. humanitarianism: ' France is the protectress of theweak and educator of the backward, said M. Boisneuf, a Negro deputy. France is the champion of civilia and bearer of freedoms,, said Michelet (52).Her colonialpolicy is based on humanitarianism and altruism,,said Sarraut, past and future satrap of Indo-China. The Revuede l' Aeronautique Militaire Air Force Review )hasjust told us once again how humanitarianism is understoodin the colonies. Marshal Lyautey, Resident-General in Morocco, Commander-in-Chief of T.O. M. (Overseastroops),ordered the use of poison gas and tear-gas projectiles, because.. but let the review speak for itself12 ==========第48页========== the closure of all theatres for three days. The flags ofoffice buildings were at half-mast. Cultural, political andeconomic bodies in Peking and in thee provinces, especiallstudents'associations and workers' organizations, commemorated the great revolutionary with dignity. On thisoccasion, they unanimously passed a resolution in favour ofthe immediate recognition of the Soviet government. Thetudents decided to erect a statue of Lenin in the biggest LENIN AND THE PEOPLES OF THE EAST public park in Peking. The Chinese government sent cables of sympathy. If in the eyes of the proletarians of the West, Lenin Lenin is also mourned by women. In China as in is a chief, a leader, a master to the peoples of the East Eastern countries, the women are very little informed of he is still greater and more noble, if I may venture to say world events, to which they are almost indifferent. However, SO. they wore mourning for Lenins death. Thus, the demons It is not only his genius, but his disdain of luxury, his trations by Chinese women in this sorrowful circumstance love of labour, the purity of his private life, his simplicity, have an historic significance. On the one hand, they testify in a word, it is the grandeur and beauty of this master to the fact that the women of the East are awakening ; on which exert an enormous influcace upon the Asian peoples the other, they show that the great master is understood and irresistibly draw their hearts towards him. and loved by everyone, from the commonest to the most Accustomed to being treated as backward and inferior advanced people. As proof of this, here is a translation of people, they consider Lenin as the embodiment of universal an appeal made by a girl student, carried by the Shanghai brotherhood. Not only are they grateful to him, but they Women,'s Magazine: love him tenderly. To him, they show a veneration which 4 Sisters, is almost filial devotion. One had to see the students of the Ever since capitalism has existed, the whole social University of the East, eyes red with weeping, the young structure has been subject to its disastrous influence folk there who sobbed bitterly at the news of Lenin's death Things which should belong to all, because produced by to understand their love to wards him all, become the privilege of a few. Economic oppression His death was a universal mourning. The Kuomintang enslaves men i it transforms women into chattels subject (the people's party in power in South China) was in session to the mercy of men when it heard the news. All delegates stood up spontane For centuries, how many millions of people have ously and the sessio was closed i: sign of mourning. On been tied down in this way How many millions of women Sun Yat-sens suggestion, the Canton government ordered have been sacrificed When World War was raging, when ==========第49页========== millions of innocent people who longed for life were sentto die, Lenin stirred up the Russian proletariat and organized the Soviets in spite of the hardship and difficultiesencountered Not only has he freed the men and women of hiscountry, but he has shown the way to all disinheritedpeople in the world. Notwithstanding the Whites'attacksfrom within and the blockade by capitalism from without, BOLSHEVIST. BARBARITY with his strong will, Lenin saved his compatriots fromutter poverty and suffering, and showed the banner of the The Soviets have put into effect the following International'to all oppressed people. programme Does not all this merit that we should bow down to A- Free and compulsory education, general and his great memory i polytechnical, for children of both sexes, up to I7 years Must not the twe ty-first of January remin forever of age specialized and vocational education from this age a day of mourning for all toiling people B- Food, clothes, shoes and standard goods to be at " Russia is advancing towards prosperity. However, the charge of the State. there is still a long road to travel and much work to do to C- Founding of a network of pre-school establish reach a genuine peace. Mankind is awakening, but it must ments, creches, kindergartens, homes, etc, aimed at impro- struggle further to complete its emancipation. And now, ving social education, and freeing women. our master has suddenly been taken from us without being D- Active participation of the working people in able to see the completion of his work public education, development of ' Councils of Public Can people of good heart refrain from weeping Education,, putting at the State's disposal all citizens Must not oppressed men and women take up the burden having a primary education, etc. he has left behind and march forward Forward E- In higher education, granting of scholarships and Dear sisters, various privileges to poor students, and chiefly to workers "Let us commemorate with dignity the memory of the and peasants, so that they may have material means to goeven to higher schools. man who, all his life, fought against the poverty andoppression of mankind, and who until the day of his death French. ' civilization struggled for the people of the world To spread the beneficent light of high civilizationover the countries submitted to its motherly protection, Le Paria. Iuly 22, 1924 HCM7 96 ==========第50页========== france has provided 8,oo7 schools for 4o million 'overseas French. I am not exaggerating. Here are the officialstatistics olonies Population Schools Pupils French West Africa I2,000,000 290 I2,000 French Equatorial Africa 5,000, 000 I00 42 Indo-China r9,0oo,0oo2,965148,000 LYNCHING Madagascar 3,000ooo78978,000 Somaliland 64,o 250 A little known aspect of American civilization Reunion Island I72,00oI24I7,0oo French India 270,00052 9,00o It is well known that the black race is the most West Indies 500,000I948,500 oppressed and most exploited of the human family. It is Guiana 54,00o23 2,000 well known that the spread of capitalism and the discovery New Caledonia 47,00018 6o0 of the New World had as an immediate result the rebirth In Guadeloupe, Io, ooo children have no schools. In of slavery which was, for centuries, a scourge for the French Algeria, in 94 years, only 35,000 pupils out of Negroes and a bitter disgrace for mankind. What everyone a population of 5,ooo, ooo have been able to receive an does not perhaps know, is that after 65 years of so-called education by driblets, whilst 695,ooo little natives are emancipation, American Negroes still endure atrocious condemned to ignorance. In Cambodia: 6o schools for moral and material sufferings, of which the most cruel and 2, 000,000 inhabitants I In Cochin-China(French for more horrible is the custom of lynching. than half a century): 51, ooo pupils out of a population of3, 500, ooo souls The word lynching comes from Lynch. Lynch was the Fortunately, though we lack schools, France lavishes name of a planter in Virginia, a landlord and judge. Avail upon us brothels, opium-dens and bars ing himself of the troubles of the War of Independence (53)he took the control of the whole district into his hands. He inflicted the most savage punishment, without trial or Le Paria, No 29, September 1924, process of law, on loyalists and tories. Thanks to the slavetraders, the Ku-Klux-Klan and other secret societies, theillegal and barbarous practice of lynching is spreading andcontinuing widely in the States of the American Union. Ithas become more inhuman since the emancipation of the Blacks, and is especially directed at the latter. 98 99 ==========第51页========== Imagine a furious horde. Fists clenched, eyes bloodshot, those who were not able to help with the cooking applaud mouths foaming, yells, insults, curses. This horde is now. transported with the wild delight of a crime to be committed Hurrah without risk. They are armed with sticks, torches, revolvers, When everybody has had enough, the corpse is brought ropes, knives, scissors, vitriol, daggers, in a word with all down. The rope is cut into small pieces which will be sold that can be used to kill or wound. for three or five dollars each. Souvenirs and lucky charms Imagine in this human sea a flotsam of black flesh quarrelled over by ladies. pushed about, beaten, trampled underfoot, torn, slashed, popular justice, as they say over there, has been insulted, tossed hither and thither, bloodstained, dead done. Calmed down, the crowd co gratulate the organizers', then stream away slowly and cheerfully, as if after a The horde are the lynchers. The human rag is the feast, making appointments with one another for the next Black, the victim time. In a wave of hatred and bestiality the lynchers drag While on the ground, stinking of fat and smoke,a the Black to a wood or a public place. They tie him to a black head, mutilated, roasted,deformed, grins horribly tree, pour kerosene over him, cover him with inflammable and seems to ask the setting sun,' Is this civilization? material. While waiting for the fire to be kindled, theysmash his teeth, one by one. Then they gouge out his eyes. Some statistics Little tufts of crinkly hair are torn from his head, carryingaway with them bits of skin, baring a bloody skull. Little From I889 to I9I9, 2, 6oo Blacks were lynched, inclu pieces of fesh come off his body, already contused from ding 5I women and girls and ten former Great War the blows. soldiers. The Black can no longer shout: his tongue has been Among 78 Blacks lynched in I9I9, II were burnt alive, swollen by a red hot iron. His whole body ripples, trem three burnt after having been killed, 3I shot, three bling, like a half-crushed snake. A slash with a knife: one of tortured to death, one cut into pieces, one drowned, and his ears falls to the ground. Oh How black he is How II put to death by various means. awful! And the ladies tear at his face. Georgia heads the list with 22 victims, Mississipi State follows with 12. Both have also three lynched soldiers Light up, shouts someone - Just enough to cook to their credit. of II burnt alive. the first State has four him slowly, 'adds another. nd the second two. Out of 34 cases of systematic, pre The Black is roasted, browned, burnt. But he deserves meditated and organized lynching, it is still Georgia that to die twice instead of once. He is therefore hanged, or holds first place with five. Mississipi comes second with more exactly, what is left of his corpse is hanged. And all Iree. 100 ==========第52页========== Among the charges brought against the victims of print: 'Under a strong escort, the Kaiser has taken flightwith the Crown Prince. I9I9, we note One of having been a member of the League of Noon- The Jackson Daily News of the same date, published Partisans(independent farmers across the first two columns of its front page in big letters: One of having distributed revolutionary publications Negro J. H. to be Burnt One of expressing his opinion on lynchings too freely y the Crowd at Ellistown having criticized the clashes between Whites This Afternoon at 5 p.m. One and Blacks in Chicago i The newspaper only neglected to add, The whole thespiIrit One of having been known as a leader of the cause of population earnestly invited to attend. B is there the Blacks One for not getting out of the way and thus frighten A few details ing a white child who was in a motor-car. In 1920, there were so lynchings, and in I923, 28. This evening at 7.40 p. m, J. H. was tortured with These crimes were all motivated by economic jealousy. a red hot iron bar, then burnt .. A crowd of more than Either the Negroes in the place were more prosperous than 2,000 people.. many women and children, were present the Whites, or the black workers would not let themselves at the incineration,. After the Negro had been boundfrom behind, a fire was kindled. A little further away, be exploited thoroughly. In all cases, the principal culpritswere never troubled, for the simple reason that they were another fire was kindled in which an iron bar was placed always incited, encouraged, spurred on, then protected, by When it was red hot, a man took it and applied it to the Black's body the politicians, financiers and authorities, and above ly. The lattter, terrified, seized the iron with his hands, and the air was immediately filled with the smell of the reactionary press. When a lynching was to take place or had taken place, burning flesh.. The red hot iron having been applied to the press seized upon it as a good occasion to increase the several parts of his body, his shouts and groans were heard number of copies printed. It related the affair with a wealth as far away as in the town. After several minutes of torture, of detail. masked men poured petrol on him and set fire to the stake. Not the slightest reproach to thecriminals. Not a The flames rose and enveloped the Negro who implored word of pity for the victims. Not a commentary. be finished off with a shot. His supplications provoked The New Orleans States of June 26, I9I9 published a shouts of derision. 'Chatanooga Times, February I3, I9I8. head-line running right across the front page in letters I5,000 people, men, women and children, applauded five inches high: ' Today a Negro Will be Burnt by 3,000 when petrol was poured over the Negro and the fire lit. Citizens'. And immediately underneath, in very small They struggled, shouted and pushed one another to get 103 102 ==========第53页========== nearer the Black.. Two of them cut off his ears while the White victims of lynching fire began to roast him Another tried to cut off his heels .. The crowd It is not only the Blacks, but also the Whites who dareto defend them, such as Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe surged and changed places so that every one could see the author of‘ Uncle Tom' Cabin’- who are ill-treated Negro burn. When the flesh was entirely burnt, the bones Elijah Lovejoy (54) was killed, John Brown (55)hanged laid bare and what had been a human being was but a Thomas Beach(56)and Stephen Foster (57)were persecut- smoking and deformed rag curling up in the flames, every- ed, attacked and imprisoned. Here is what Foster wrote one was still there to look., "Memphis Press, May 22, I917 from prison,' When I look at my damaged limbs, I think men of all social classes, women and children that, to hold me, prison will not be necessary for much were present at the scene. Many ladies of high society longer.These last I5 months, their cells have been open- followed the crowd from outside the prison, others joined ed to me four times, 24 times my compatriots have drag- it from neighbouring terraces. When the Negro's corpse ged me out of their churches, twice they have thrown me fell, the pieces of rope were hotly contended for. "'Vicheburg from the second floor of their houses, they have damaged Evening Post, May 4, I9I9. my kidneys once another time they tried to put me in someone cut off his ears, another removed his irons; twice they have made me pay fines once Io,ooo sexual organ., He tried to cling to the rope, his fingers people tried to lynch me, and dealt me 2o blows on my were cut off. While he was being hoisted to a tree, a giant head, arms and neck... of a man stabbed his neck he received at least 25 wounds. In 30 years, 7o8 Whites, including II women, have he was several times hoisted up, then pulled been lynched. Some for having organized strikes, others down into the brazier. Finally a man caught him in a lasso for having espoused the cause of the Blacks the end of which was attached to a horse which dragged Among the collection of the crimes of American the corpse through the streets of Waco. The tree on which civilization,, lynching has a place of honour. the hanging took place, was right under a window of themayors house. The latter looked on while the crowd was inaction. All along the way, everyone took part in the muti- La Correspondance Internationale, No 59, 1924 lation of the Negro. Some struck him with shovelspickaxes, bricks, sticks, The body was covered with woundsfrom head to foot. A shout of joy escaped from thousandsof throats when the fire was kindled. Some time after, thecorpse was hoisted up high in the air, so that everyonecould look at it, which raised a storm of applause., Crisis, July 1916. ==========第54页========== I856, Great Britain launched a new war to enforce the legalization of the sale of opium and the opening of Chinese ports to foreign trade(59) I86o, The Anglo-French army occupied Peking. Conces- sion: occupation of Victoria Island. Indemnity800 million taels of silver to France and Io millionpounds to Great Britain (60). IMPERIALISTS AND CHINA I874, Japan attacked China Concession: renunciation of Chinese suzerainty over the island of Formosa andits colonization by Japan. Indemnity 5o million Events in China have two sides: the conflicts be taels of silver (61) tween Chinese generals, and the intervention of foreignpowers. It is the latter which touches us most, because it 876, War with Russia. Concession territorial occupa tion. Indemnity goo million roubles. determines the internal war and can have the most seriousconsequences. I878, New British dispute. Concession the right to Let us try to sum up the history of foreign interven- extraterritoriality. Indemnity: 20 million taels of tions in the past in order to unravel the real cause, the ilver(62) main motive of the present intervention 1885, France attacks(63). Concession of Chinese suzer ainty over Annam, colonization of this country by France. A few dates I895, Japan attacks. Concession renunciation of Chinese 635, The King of England sent an envoy to ask for suzerainty over Korea, and its colonization by authorization to trade with China. Japan. Indemnity 20 million taels of silver. I830, The British Ambassador asked for authorization to I895, Russia, France and Germany attack, Concession: import opium into China. The request was rejected right of construction of railway lines, Indemnity by the Middle Empire. 3, ooo million taels of silver(64). 836, The British smuggled 20, 28o crates of opium into I897, German aggression. Occupation of Kiaochow, right China to exploit mines(65) I839, Great Britain declared war upon China to force I897, Russian aggression, Occupation of Port Arthur. opium upon her (58). I84I, Hong Kong was conquered, and paid a war indem- I897, British aggression. Occupation of Wei-Hai-Wei. nity of 2I milion dollars, six million of which I898, French aggression. Right to install telegraphy in represented the value of the destroyed opium. southern China 106 ==========第55页========== Igoo, Armed intervention of Great Britain, Russia, Ger Since 1895, China has contracted I6 loans the sum many, France, the United States, Italy, Austria and totals of which are Japan( Boxer Rebellion) 902,000,ooo francs Installation of foreign troops in Peking and in 61, 500, ooo sterling important ports. Indemnity 450 million taels of 64,368, ooo dollars silver.(66). II5,000, 000 yen Since the Great War, the imperialists have I, 763, 000 Dutch crowns replace d open and armed banditry (67) by veiled, Customs duties, taxes from its markets; receipts from diplomatic banditry. They are silently pillaging its railways, income from its industry, liquor and tobacco China, divided and unarmed as far as they are duties, revenue from the Posts and Treasury, the salt-tax, concerned, around the green baize table etc, were used to cover these loans. I919, The Versailles Treaty handed all German conces The map of China shows that almost all the important sions in China over to Japan, though China was an ports, strategic points, and modern production centres are allied country. occupied byy foreignerss. And the map does not tell everything. I922, The Washington Conference (68) ratified the hold It does not show how far the influence of foreign capital of Great Britain, France, the United States, and extends, nor how far the artillery of the hirelings of foreign Japan over Chinese revenues, excise, salt-taxes, etc. powers can carry. I923, Diplomatic notes from their ambassadors claiming for france, Great Britain, the United States, Japan Colonization of China and Belgium the right to manage the Chinese rail-ways(69). Despite all its weaknesses, and internal divisions, its September Ig24, naval demonstrations by the said powers II,I39, 000 square kilometres are still too big a piece for off Canton. the jaws of colonial imperialism to swallow at one gulp. And the brutal subjection of the 489, 500,ooo Chinese to The situation in China the irons of colonial slavery cannot be carried out in oneday. That is why China is being parcelled out a slower We have seen that, under different pretexts and by but more prudent means. various means, the capitalist nations have intervened in Another factor is slowing down the international the affairs of China only to achieve one unchanging result colonization of China: the rivalry between the imperialists to wrest from her territorial concessions and indemnities themselves. Now let us look at the economic and financial situa. France, in possession of Indo-China, longs for control tion of this great country, possessor of an ancient civilization, over South China. The expensive construction of the which is the object of their desires Tonking- Yunnanfu railway is proof of this 109 108 ==========第56页========== Great Britain, which possesses Hong Kong, would crime French imperialism, oppressor of the Indochinese content itself, for the moment at least, with an economic people, fears this troublesome neighbour whose subversive colonization it already has control over almost all the ideas might cross the frontier and infect her Annamese sources of production. What would be the use of bothering slaves. China has common frontiers with India and Korea itself with the military custody of an immense territory A united, free and powerful China would be the prologue But not for anything in the world will Great Britain let to an independent Korea and a liberated India. Imperialist france become a big colonial power in Asia. And as awa- Britain and Japan cannot but become anxious. The danger kened India begins to shake its economic yoke, British remote though it may be, conceived in its full breadth, is mercantilism must find compensation in China. Over already real peopled Japan would be only too willing to take some That is why today it is sought to liquidate Sun Yat Chinese provinces, which the United States does not want sen and his party, as yesterday efforts were made to to allow; this would be dangerous for them. China appears trangle revolutionary Russia to them as a market and a possible ally in a confict with Japan. Possibilities of an armed intervention The meaning of the present intervention Imperialist ultimatums come one after another. In Chinese waters, naval forces are being mobilized. Warships The imperialist aim in the present intervention is a are being concentrated in Shanghai and the Yangtze double one. First of all, to get new concessions then, and estuary (70). Will there be a direct intervention? That is I think that this is the main point, to overthrow Sun Yat only a remote probability. In this new venture against the sen. We know that the successive Governments of Peking Chinese people, Great Britain is playing the leading part. always apply the same policy: within the country: corrup Macdonald(71)will not dare to risk an open intervention tion; outside it: passivity before the foreign imperialists. He will content himself with doing his best to help Sun Sun Yat-sen, .father of the Chinese revolution, Yat-sens enemies. And the traditional tactics of British leader of the Canton government, has, on the contrary, policy are continuing: waiting for the chestnuts to be always been faithful to his principles, even in the most pulled out of the fire. difficult moments. The programme of his Party - the Kuomintang-is a reforming one. It contains clearly anti- Consequences of the intervention imperialist and anti-militarist points. This Party declaresitself resolutely linked together with the oppressed peoples International capitalism has a mania for accumulation of the colonies and with the international proletariat. It The'Experts' Plan(72) is organizing the enslavement of sympathizes with the Russian revolution: unpardonable the German workers. Interventionist diplomacy -gunboat 110 111 ==========第57页========== diplomacy, says Sun Yat-sen-is paving the way for theslavery of the yellow working people. The definite enslavement of the German proletariat would unavoidably bringabout the bondage of the American and European proletariat. The Dawes plan is a direct attack on the workingclass. The colonization of China would supply capitalismwith absurdly cheap labour, lower wages in Europe and America, and consolidate the power of capital, The inter CIVILIZATION THAT KILLS vention in China is a direct attack on the internationaworking class. How the whites have been civilizingthe blacks-Some deeds not mentionedin history textbooks La Correspondance Internationale, No 67. 1924 If lynching-inflicted upon Negroes by the Ameri-can rabble -is an inhuman practice, I do not know whatto call the collective murders committed in the name ofcivilization by Europeans on African peoples Since the day the Whites landed on its shores, theblack continent has constantly been drenched in blood. There, mass-murders are blessed by the Church, lawfullysanctioned by Kings and Parliaments and conscientiouslyperpetrated by slavers of all calibres, from yesterday'sslave-traders to todays colonial administrators. Religion It was to spread the blessings of Christianity that,towards I442, the knights of the Most Catholic King of Spain landed on the shores of Africa. Their apostolatebegan with massacres. '. and in the end said their log-book of the journey our Lord, who rewards acts ofkindness and ventures undertaken to His glory, has obtained for His faithful servants victories over His enemies. He HCM8 113 112 ==========第58页========== has given us laurels for our work and recompense for our obtain, by this means, laudable and mutual benefits for Their Majesties and their subjects expenditures and we have, thanks to Him, captured 165men, women and children, not to mention the great number His Britannic Majesty undertook to introduce into of killed and wounded Spanish America 144, 000 Indians of both sexes and of allages in consideration of a payment of 33 piastre-crowns and These pious conquistadors (3)instituted a tradition. The list of property confiscated from Jesuits in Brazil in x/3 piastre per head…. I768, contains, among salvation crosses and other objects The slave-traders of worship, irons for branding slaves. For a long time, English societies' For the Propaga- In I824, a slave-ship that had just taken on board tion of Christianity' drew their missionary resources from Negroes from the shore of Africa bound for the West the slave-traffic Indies, was given chase by a cruiser. During the chase, On February 12, 1835, the Independent Church of several barrels floated past the cruiser. It was believed that the Parish of Christs Church(South Carolina) advertized the slave-ship had got rid of its casks of water to speed its in the local newpapers the sale of 'a batch of ten slaves flight accustomed to cotton-growing. How many of these deeds But when the ship was boarded, moans were heard q d from a barrel left on the deck. Two Negresses were found The Churches in North America were the most resolute it almost asphyxiated. The slave-traders had hit enemies of the abolition of slavery. this means of lightening their ship. An Ennglish ship saved a foundering slave-ship The kings Negroes as well as the crew were taken on. But when itwas noticed that provisions were short, it was decided to From Charles V down to Leopold II, King of the sacrifice the Blacks. They were lined up on deck and shot Belgians, from the virtuous Queen Elizabeth of England down in cold blood with two cannons. down to Napoleon, all the crowned heads of Europe wereengaged in the negro-trade. All colonizing Kings signed The conditions of the slaves treaties and granted monopolies for the exploitation ofblack flesh. The arrested Blacks were chained in pairs, by the 4 On August 27, I701, His Most Catholic Majesty of neck, the arms and legs. A long chain linked them in groups pain and His Most Christian Majesty of france granted of twenty or thirty. Bound in this way, they were forced to the Royal Company of Guinea a ten-year monopoly for the walk to the port of embarcation where they were bundled nto the holds with no light or air. traffic in negroes in the colonies of America in order to 115 114 ==========第59页========== For the sake of health' they were made to dance:under a rain of. whip-lashes once or twice daily. It often on her head. Then he had her tied and bound, and molten happened that, in the hope of making room for themselves, rubber poured into her private parts. men strangled each other and women drove nails into their As he could not make his two native servants work neighbours', skulls. The sick, considered as damaged and for nothing, a colonist few into a rage and tied them to unsaleable goods, were thrown into the sea. As a rule, at poles, poured kerosene on them and burnt them alive. the end of the journey a quarter of the living cargo had Other colonists inserted dynamite cartridges into succumbed to infectious diseases or asphyxiation. The Negroes'mouths or anuses and blew them up. surviving slaves were branded and numbered with white A functionary boasted that single-handed he had killed hot irons like cattle and counted in tons and bales. Thus Iso natives, cut off 6o hands, crucified many women and the Portuguese Company of Guinea signed a contract in children and hung a great number of mutilated corpses on I7oo by which it undertook to supply II, ooo' tons of the walls in the villages under his administration. On onl Negroes one of its plantations, a concessionary company caused the More than fifteen million Negroes were transported to death of I, 5oo native labourers. America in these conditions, About three million died or Exceptional, isolated cases No. Typical cases. But let were drowned on the way. Those who were killed while us quote a few collective crimes which cannot be attributed resisting or during revolts have not been recorded. That to the barbarous instincts of a few individuals, but for infamous trade ended in I850, giving way to a new form of which the whole system is accountable to history. slavery on a larger scale: colonization. In our Algeria,, related a French writer, 'on theconfines of the desert I saw this. One day, some troops Colonization captured Arabs who had committed no other crime than The examples of atrocities that we are going to quoter fleeing from their conquerors'brutalities. The colonel gave if they were not proved by irrefutable documents or related orders to put them to death on the spot without investi by Europeans themselves, would be hard to believe gation or trial. And here is what happened.. There were A French trader in Madagascar, noticing that a theft thirty of them. Thirty holes were dug in the sand and they had been made from his cash-box, tortured with electricity were buried naked therein up to their necks, their shaved many of his native employees suspected of the theft. It was heads exposed to the sun at its zenith. So that they should discovered soon after that it was his son who had taken the not die too quickly, water was poured on them from time totime as on cabbages. Half an hour later, their eye-lids money. A colonial administrator forced a Negress to remain in were swollen, their eyes starting from their sockets. Their the burning sun for a whole day with a heavy heated stone swollen tongues filled their horribly gaping mouths.. theirskin cracked and roasted on their heads. 116 ==========第60页========== A Bangi tribe was unable to provide the quantity of continue their bloodthirsty advance into Morocco under rubber demanded by the concession. To force the tribesmen the indulgent eye of the pontiffs of the League of Nations. to make good the deficit, they had 58 women and Io The history of the European advance into Africa children arrested as hostages. They were deprived of air, and the whole history of colonization -is written from light, food and even water. From time to time, they were beginning to end in the blood of the natives. tortured. Their cries, according to the plantation owners, After massacres pure and simple, there are corvee, helped to speed up work. After three weeks of atrocious porterage, forced labour, alcohol and syphilis to complete sufferings, a great number of the hostages were dead the destructive work of civilization. The inevitable conse- That year there was a drought. The crops had failed quence of this monstrous system is the extinction of the completely. That whole African region was desolated. The black races. inhabitants ate grass and roots. Old people died of starva It is of painful interest to juxtapose to these facts tion. The civilizing government, however, demanded its some figures. It will be seen that the rapid enrichment of taxes. The sufferers left their lands, gardens and thatched some colonizers corresponds exactly with the no less rapid huts to the latter and took refuge in the mountains. The depopulation of the exploited regions. From 1783 to I793 administrator sent out hunting dogs and troops in pursuit. the Liverpool Company made about I,II7,7oo pounds The fugitives were caught in a cave and were killed by profit from the slave-trade. During the same period, the fumigation population of the regions visited by that company, lost In I895, the Engglish massacred 3, ooo Matabele rebels 304,000 inhabitants. Innine years, King Leopold II received who had surrendered. 3,I79,120 pounds from the exploitation of the Congo. In From Igor to Igo6, the Germans massacred no les Igo8, the population of the Belgian Congo was 20 million. than 25, ooo Hereros in West africa. It was 8, 500, ooo in IgII. In the French Congo, tribes In IgII, the Italians turned the suburbs of Machiya of 40, ooo inhabitants dropped to 20, ooo in two years into a slaughter-house for for three days. Four thousand nati- other tribes disappeared completely. ves were massacred In I894, the Hottentot population amounted to These mass murders were set forward as political 20,000. Seven years of colonization brought it down to principles. It was a policy of extermination. One govern. 9,70o ment at the Cape has declared, If the natives allowthemselves to slip into disobedience or rebellion, they will La Correspondance Internationale, No 69, 1924 be mercilessly swept out of the country other peoples willtake their place. Today, ten years after the war for 'the right ofpeoples to govern themselves,, Spaniards and French 119 118 ==========第61页========== At present, it is impossible to specify to ourproteges the rights applied to French citizens in France,especially that the principle of sovereignty resides in thenation,, and that'the law is the expression of will. Thus it is dangerous to display these principles inpublic places… If need be, we might consider giving satisfaction to MARSHAL LYAUTEY AND THE the League of the Rights of Man in premises exclusively DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN (74) frequented by French people, but, as a matter of fact, suchpremises do not exist in Morocco, etc, The satrap of Morocco finds the great That Lyautey considers the Declaration -which is charter of the French bourgeoisie suber- the pride of his Republic and the honour of his fore fa- sive and dangerous. thers a mere scrap of paper, that he treats with contempt a Le League of the Rights of Man and the Citizen famous organization of bourgeois democracy and the great I924)had the naive idea of having the Declaration of the principles of 89-93, we don't care a fig about, and Rights of Man and the Citizen of I789 posted up in neither do the Moroccans. But we have to remind ourbrothers in Morocco of the following: schools and public establishments in French Morocco. Marshal Lyautey - entrusted with enforcing the Rights of During the war for rights'-for the rights not of Man and the Citizen in Morocco- expressly forbade the Man and the Citizen, but of Vultures and Sharks display of this too subversive declaration. Unfortunately for 53, 000 Moroccans who did theirduty(40, 000 workmen the Moroccans and luckily for the French of 135 years ago, and I3, 000 soldiers), Io, ooo did it so well that they lefttheir bones on the battlefronts. Other Moroccans also did our generous Marshal was born some 75 or 8o years athe great Revolution, otherwise.. But let us leave joking their'duty', by supplying the mother-country at warwith scores of thousands of tons of goods, by providing aside and come to the point. hundreds of millions of francs to the enforced'Victory In his letter to the Premier, the Marshal explained loan' and compulsory subscriptions for the invaded regions, the ban as follows where the barbarous Huns'did in 1914-18 what the France has at present and for many years to come civilized French have been doing in Morocco for twenty an initial role to fulfil towards the natives to teach them years,and are continuing to do there every day. In return their duty. Only when they know their duty can we talkabout granting them the rights that their social conditionand level of education will eventually allow of. The italics are ours -N.A. Q. 120 ==========第62页========== for the bombs and good deeds of the Protecting Nation, the Moroccan peasants made overin the space of fifteenyears hundreds of thousands of hectares of their best lands,going away and dying of starvation in the mountains or onbarren plateaux. For the' French peace they paid heavytaxes that grew heavier year by year. From Io9,449,000francs in I918, these taxes rose to I7I, 953,000 in I922. Out of these millions sweated for by the Moroccans,6, ooo, ooo, that is one in three, was used to fatten the CONDEMNED COLONIALISM 9yauteys, and their like.(The expenses of the General L Residence alone amounted to 25, 000, ooo francs) The experience of French Equatorial Africa The Moroccans have thus done their'duty'well, their French colonization has many a failure to its'credit duty as slaves. But to merit the Rights of Man and the We are not the only ones to notice it. Le Temps of Sep Citizen, they still have to do their duty as Men and Citi tember 24 wrote about one of these particularly lamentable zens, that is to say, to organize themselves and fight for the failures conquest of these rights, as the French people did in 1789and as the revolutionary proletariat of our days is doing. "Indeed, it is a secret to no one that the situation inour Equatorial Africa does not measure up, far from it, to This duty has not yet been understood by our brothers in the expectations that could be formed when. the French Morocco. So Lyautey was right to think that alcohol, fag first fluttered over its immense expanse appropriated narcotics and prostitutes (public houses and brothels in rather than conquered by the Republic. Without exaggera Morocco grow in number 28o per cent every five years)have a greater civilizing'value and are more useful to tion and without straining the meaning of words, it can besaid that Equatorial Africa is now in a state of real regress colonization than the platonic Declaration of the Rights of ion. Its development is rudimentary, its equipment next to Man and the Citizen. nothing. At present, its deficitary budget can be balancedonly by the grant of government subsidies. Lastly -and La Correspondance Internationale, No. 71, 1944 still more serious- its people are wasting away and dyingout, the demographic factor whose preservation, improvement and growth is nevertheless at the root of all colonialenterprise, is on the way to extinction. And further on: 4 Moreover, mistakes have been committed, but it isuseless to dwell on them. This is not the time for useless The italics are ours- NAQ 122 123 ==========第63页========== 4 Expedition against Kolowan village lamentations over the past but for preparing a better Against the Fans in Upper Cuno village burnt future. Our action in Equatorial Africa has, right from the down, plantations destroyed beginning been paralysed or distorted by errors of principle.that are still having deplorable consequences; besides, it is 000& Sains the Bakamis: village burnt down again burdened by the weight of errors of method which must be 3, ooo banana-trees(the only food stocks) destroyed urgently rectified. Against Kwa village village burnt down, plantation razeed What are the mistakes and errors whose deplorableconsequence Le Temps complains of without giving the facts Against Aloun: village bombed, then destroyed They are the expropriation, and exploitation of the natives, together with plantations they are porterage, forced labour, heavy taxes, civil and 4 Against the Esamfami: villages destroyed military recruitment, the seizing of hostages, atrocities f Carried fire and sword through Bome region inflicted on the people; they are the whole monstrous Legalized pillage, systematic destruction of the people system of pillage and murder that has brought that colony organized devastation of villages, such was the method to the sad situation in which it is today. Sixteen years later, the attention of the French Par As early as twenty years ago, M. Auguste Chevalier liament was again drawn to the same scandals. after having described the barbarity of the system of In December I92I, the Negro M.P. BopishenIn a colonization-made this prophecy moving speech, said Soon, if this practice is carried on, if the burning and The population has been thinned out by the system devastation of villages do not come to an end... the banks of to which it has been subjected since the occupation. The the Congo as well as the regions of Oubangui and Sangha natives are killed by porterage and the intensive exploitation will be completely uninhabited.. If this practice continues, ina century all the toiling races will have disappeared. n which the concessionary companies have engaged. Parliamentary debates in I9o6 revealed that in a On October 22, I92I, the acting Minister of Colonies circular issued by the management of a concessionary com issued a decree to the effect that a native workman paid pany it was stated, Don't forget that our agents must for a certain job and not having completed it, may be play the part of small scale pirates. " And a Governor arrested and prosecuted for swindling. General wrote to one of his officials, I can be quite M. Albert sarraut. Minister of Colonies, had to admit frank with you that in proposing your promotion, I shall that the unfortunate inhabitants of this colony were on the especially rely on the collection of native taxes, which must verge of extinction. be the object of your constant attention. "The following He did his best to ascribe the cause of this depepula excerpt from a service register of about this time shows tion to lack of hygiene, writing: that these orders were obeyed to the letter: 125 ==========第64页========== u The inexpert and unhygienic handling of womenduring confinement.. leads to sterility and a considerableproportion of poorly cared for children die in early infancy. Influenza has caused ravages amounting to tens of thousandsamong this native population already decimated by sleeping Sickness To make good this state of affairs, what have theydone? Only one hospital with 79 beds has been built in Brazzaville-capital of the colony Means were even found THE KU-KLUX-KLAN to drag off 18, ooo men during the war, from this popula- Its origins Senator Sherman's opinion(1871 tion on the way to extinction -of course the healthiest 100 per cent Americanism Emenor and the strongest-to serve as cannon-fodder. A sum of Simmons- Lynchings in 1919 313, ooo francs was raised in compulsory subscrcriptions for Why the K.K. K. must disappear the ravaged regions in France, 7,323, 000 francs in enforcedoans, and 53, ooo tons of goods, not including the count The place of origin of the Ku-Klux-Klan is the less days of corvee needed for the transport of requisi Southern United States tioned goods. In May I866, after the Civil War(75), young people Such are the ' errors of principle that are turning this gathered together in a small locality of the State of Ten- colony -a short time ago populous and prosperous -into nesse to set up a club. a question of whiling away the a desert. Although our documentation is from official time. This organization was given the name kuklos, a greek sources, we doubt that we have enlightened the faith of the word meaning club. To Americanize the word, it was chang sanctimonious readers of Le Temps. ed into Ku Klux. Hence for more originality, Ku-Klux Klan After big social upheavals, the public mind is naturally La Correspondance Internationale- No. 73, 1924 unsettled. It becomes avid for new stimuli and inclined tomysticism. The K K.K. with its strange garb, its bizarrerituals, its mysteries and its secrecy irresistibly attractedthe curiosity of the Whites in the Southern States andbecame very popular. It consisted at first of only a group of snobs and idlers,without political or social purpose. Cunning elements discovered in it a force able to serve their political ambitions 126 127 ==========第65页========== The victory of the Federal Government had just freedthe Negroes and made them citizens. The agriculture of the and the rich but against the poor, the weak, the harmless South-deprived of its black labour- was short of hands and the defenceless Former landlords were exposed to ruin. The Klansmen Yet the Klan lived and" worked, for forty odd proclaimed the principle of the supremacy of the white years without too much sensation race. Anti-Negro was their only policy. The agrarian andslave bourgeoisie saw in the Klan a useful agent, almost a The New Klan saviour. They gave it all the help in their power. The Klansmethods ranged from intimidation to murder. In the space It was in October IgI5 that William Joseph Simmons, of three years it committed so many crimes and misdeeds the new Emperor 'of the Klan, together with 34 of his that a number of those who supported it left it in horror. friends, brought the K.K.K. on to the American scene again Its programme was Ioo per cent Americanism, that is Towards I869,under the pressure of public opinion, to say, anti-Catholic, anti-Semite, anti-worker and the Klan was given the sack by its Emperor It had an anti-Negro. Emperor, who, nevertheless, had only a purely nominalauthority. The local Klans carried on their own existence It is to be noted that it was following the Civil War and crimes. Professor Mecklin -to whom we owe these and the emancipation of the Blacks that the old Ku-Klux details- said that every page of the thirteen big volumes Klan saw the light of day, its aim being to bar the freed containing the investigations into the acts of the lan in people's way to a social life. During the World War, Ame I87I-I872, recorded beatings-up of Blacks or Whites. rica enlisted in its army and navy hundreds of thousands These acts of violence were often done out of pure sadism of Blacks who were given promises of social and politicalreforms and who, having made the same sacrifices as the They were a favourite entertainment of the Klansmen Whites, timorously claimed the same rights. A situation A better knowledge of the Klan can be gained and a equivalent to a second emancipation. Thereupon the new better judgment formulated by quoting thehe speech made by Klan sprang up. Senator Sherman of Ohio in the Senate in March I87I It was again in the Southern United States gion 4 Is there", asked Sherman" a Senator who can name of big planters and anti-abolitionists, the cradle of serfdom in searching through the crimes committed through the ages and lynching, the motherland of the old Klan -that L an association or gang whose acts and designs are morediabolical or criminal than those of the Ku-Klux. Klan Emperor 'Simmons founded the new invisible Empire. The Ku-Klux-Klan is a secret association, formed on oath To an interviewer, William Joseph Simmons said regarding and whose members murder, steal, pillage, bully, insult and its objectives, We are convinced that to ensure the threaten. They commit these crimes not against the strong supremacy of the white race we must wrest from the Blacksthe franchises which have been granted them. The Lord's 128 HeM.0 ==========第66页========== will is that the white race shall be superior, and it was by wild mob. The battle raged in the capital for four days. In a decree of Providence that Negroes were created slaves. August, they fought for five days against the Klan and the Soon after the resurrection of the Klan, more than 8o mob in Chicago. Seven regiments were mobilized to restore beatings-up were recorded in the state of Texas alone, in order. In September, the government was obliged to send one year, and 96 lynchings. federal troops to Omaha to put down similar strife. Invarious other States the Negroes defended themselves no The Klan flourished especially in Georgia, Mississipi, less energetically. Texas, Alabama and Arkansas. It was in those states thatthe victims of lynching were most numerous 2.-Like its predecessor, the new Klan has so shockedpublic opinion by its excesses that those who had approved In Igr9, the Ku-Klux-Klan burnt alive four Negroesn Georgia, two in Mississipi and one in Texas of or joined it at the beginning are leaving it. Its internalquarrels, its scandals and financial frauds ended by sicken It lynched 22 Negroes in Georgia, I2 in Mississipiten in Arkansas, eight in Alabama and three in Texas ing even the most indifferent and most tolerant people. The Senate has been compelled to prosecute it. Even bourgeois It attacked or pulled down jails to lynch the Negroeswho were kept in custody there five times in Georgia newspapers such as the New York World, The Chicago Defender, etc, are attacking it. three in Alabama, three in Mississipi, three in Texas andtwice in Arkansas 3.-Its'Ioo per cent Americanism'and its antirkerism group against it 20 million American Catholics, It lynched 12 women in Mississipi, seven in Alabama,six in Texas, five in Arkansas and five in georgia. three million Jews, 20 million foreigners, I2 million Negroes, all decent Americans and the whole working class It burned, hanged, drowned or shot down nine Negro of America. former armed service personnel The Klan carried out other lynchings in other States At the last congress of Negro Associations, the follow- but we want to quote only definite figures. Ing motion was carried: u We declare the Ku-Klux-Klan an enemy of Huma The decline of the KuKlux. KIan nity i we declare that we are determined to fight it to theend and to make common cause with all the foreign work- The Klan is for many reasons doomed to disappear. men in America as well as with all those who are persecuted I.- The Negroes, having learned during the war that by it. hey are a force if united, are no longer allowing their On the other hand, the emigration of Negroes from the kinsmen to be beaten or murdered with impunity. They are agricultural South to the industrial North has forced the replying to each attempt at violence by the Klan. In July planters-threatened with ruin through shortage of man I9I9, in Washington, they stood up to the Klan and a power- to alleviate the lot of the black workmen, and 130 131 ==========第67页========== consequently, to condemn more and more often the methodsand acts of violence of their agent the Klan 4.-Finally, the Ku-Klux- Klan has all the defects ofclandestine and reactionary organizations without theirqualities. It has the mysticism of Freemasonry(76),themummeries of Catholicism, the brutality of fascism, theillegality of its 568 various associations, but it has neitherdoctrine, nor programme, nor vitality, nor discipline PROBLEMS OF ASIA La Correspondance Internationale No, 74, 1924 The internal war in China Anglo-American Arms in the Pacific Some Japanese Ideas The great interest afforded by events in China is onlyheightened if they are considered as an integral part of thewhole which is the general situation in Asia. The civil war kindled in China is, in reality, but aduel between Franco- Japanese and Anglo-American im-serialism Wu Pei-fu, the man of Anglo-American imperialismhas been beaten. Chan Tso-lin(77), the man of franco- Japanese imperialism, has won but neither Japan norFrance has carried the day. Because there is luckily a thirdforce that has not been tamed by either imperialist group:I refer to Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary party. Hardly had the Chinese generals laid down their armsfor how long ? than France claimed the overdue payments for the so-called Boxer compensation, Japan demanded the concession of radio-telegraphic stations, Americademanded the carrying out of a plan on the lines of the Dawes plan and Britain claimed control of the Chineserailway lines. To all these claims, Sun Yat-sen and hisrevolutionary national party the Kuomintang, answered 132 ==========第68页========== Halt We claim the abolition of iniquitous treaties, the Western press, La Revue Belge for example, and especiall cancellation of humiliating concessions, in short, we demand the British press, views the suggestion with anxiety but pre that China, in a word, belong to the Chinese and that tends not to take it seriously. the Chinese be free to settle their affairs as they think best Will the start of refitting work on the Singapore naval Then, well see. base which will cost II million pounds put a full stop to That is why in this country Sun Yat-sen is oneof the Anglo-Japanese 'friendship'and be an effective 'answer statesmen most hated and dreaded by the imperialists. But to the idea of an Asiatic alliance It is, in any case, a no less hated is Karakhan(78), the Soviet ambassador to concerted action by Anglo-American imperialism Peking. The United States with a naval budget of 300 million shington Conference, Japan is no longer dollars and a fleet of 840 sea-planes, I8 battleships, 8I allied with Britain. The latter, finding the activities in submarines, Io3 destroyers, II3 cruisers and other small China and India of its former ally rather dangerous, has vessels carrying 4,785 naval officers and 86,000 ratings, is sacrified Japanese friendship to come to a better under- going to build eight new cruisers in order, it seems, to standing with Uncle Sam, whose interests in China can reach the 5-5-3'(Let us explain to the uninitiated that easily be reconciled with those of Great Britain. Being this is the formula for the proportion of naval forces establi dropped in this way is but a beginning Japanese imperia shed for America, Britain and Japan by the Washington lism will experience much worse France, on the contrary, a disarmament, conference). And big manceuvres of the has lavished civilities upon her and granted her a preferen- American fleet will take place in the Pacific soon tial customs tariff for imports into Indo-China. A poorfavour that had no echo in the world whereas, on the Japanese opinion notes An Empire Conference and a Conference for the Defence of the Empire in London, the other hand, the explosions of the assassination attempt in works in Singapore, big manceuvres in the Pacific, and Canton(79)were heard everywhere. After this abandonment by the British, a ban on Japan wonders Against whom are these preparations being ese immigration has now been voted in America. Japanese made Japan is the only armed power in Asia, the onlyrival of British and American imperialism in the Pacific. imperialism cannot swallow this insult without a grimace. Protests and demonstrations of righteous indignation have She feels directly menaced. Much restlessness has resulted answered it. Deserted by its ally of yesterday and insulted in Japan. After the idea of an Asiatic alliance, that of a y its erstwhile enemy, the Nipponese have flown into a federation of yellow races came into being. "I,ooo million brage. The idea of pan-Asianism has occurred to them. Whyy yellow people, " say the promoters, " have to rid them not a Russo-Sino-Japanese alliance The new idea is sup selves of the rule of I6o million Whites. ported by university men and statesmen, among them the An unrealizable idea owing to Nippon's selfishness and President of the Board of Financiers. The well-informed the example it sets. While protesting against the American 134 ==========第69页========== law on yellow immigration, and proclaiming itself thechampion of the oppressed yellow races, Japan is expellingfrom its territory more than 6, ooo Chinese workers and isgoing to continue expulsions of foreign workmen. As forwhat the Koreans think of her sincerity, it is better not tospeak of it To the Japanese of ten years ago, the Mikado wasdivine it was an honour to carry arms inthe divine Emperor's service. The Japanese of to-day has a complete RULE BRITANNIA ly different cast of mind. During a visit by the imperial CHINA, INDIA, THE SUDAN family to the outskirts of Tokyo, the police arrested 3,400young people as a precaution A significant precaution The Conservatives return to power(80) has given The government wanted to introduce military training in new strength to British imperialism. It means to carry out the school curricula. Professors and students unanimously an active and strong' policy in China. It was, to begin opposed it. Chauvinism, even assisted by Anglo-American with, proposed at the London conference of last November threats, is no longer as successful as of yore. Will the young 24, that the Chinese railways be controlled and supervised Japanese generation realize that salvation lies in an un by military forces belonging to America, Japan, Belgium, derstanding among the proletarians of all countries What France and Britain. Great Britain, having the biggest in is certain is that it is developing quickly and to the left. vestments in these railways would play a decisive part in the To end these notes here is one detail: The dream of control and occupation of the railway network. This'fine' a federation of the yellow races 'had hardly been expres- project has not yet materialized. sed in Japan, when an American senator, M. Britten, pro At the beginning of this year the official capital of posed the convening of a" Conference of the Whites of British India suddenly found the 'Defence of India Actof the Pacific I9I9 applied to it-a special law establishing martiallaw. Under this regime, all British officials and policemen La Correspondance Internationale No, 19, 1925 from the rank of inspector up, have the right to proceed tothe arrest or imprisonment of suspects, without trial Colleges, student-houses and a hundred or so buildingswere searched in one morning. Hundreds of arrests weremade, We shall mention among the detained persons S. Chundar Bose, leader of the Executive Committee of the Hindu National Congress(81) Baran Roy, the provincial 136 137 ==========第70页========== secretary of the same Congress S. Mitter, the secretaryof the Swarajist party(82)and many other well-known andrespected Swarajists. Offices of Hindu societies were occu-pied by troops and police. The British authorities in Bengalagain tried to overcome all their political difficulties by orce. I shall not recall here the events in Japan and Egyptwhich are still fresh in everyones mind. What is not sowell known, is that for a very long time English business- LENIN AND THE EAST men have cherished the dream of a' cotton policy'in Africa, to be energetically pursued. It would be a questionof turning the Sudan into a vast plantation and diverting The First International laid the foundation for theinternational communist movement, but because of its short the course of the Upper Nile. A plantation irrigated in this existence, it could formulate for the movement only the way could produce a wonderful yield but agriculture in basic lines of action. Hence the question of colonies was the Lower Nile would suffer seriously from the alteration not thoroughly studied by the First International of the course of the fertilizing waters. Hence the Egyptiansopposed the implementation of this plan. Sirdar Sir Lee As for the Second International, with its representa- Stacks assassination(83)gave the British the pretext to tives such as Macdonald (84), Vandervelde, Henderson, and untie their hands completely in the Sudan they are hence Blum (85)etc., it paid only too much attention to thisquestion. Its leaders did not sympathize with the strugglle forward the sole masters there; the blood shed in the for self-liberation waged by the colonial peoples. Besides, Sudan and in Egypt will perhaps serve them only tofertilize the soil of the Sudanese plantation after coming to office, Macdonald was no less active than Baldwin and Chamberlain (86) in suppressing the peoplesof India, the Sudan, and other colonies who courageous La Correspondance Internationale. No. 33, 1925 opposed their foreign oppressors. On the orders of these gentlemen, native villages werebombed and colonial peoples suppressed in a ruthless andcruel manner that no words can depict. Everybody knowsthat the opportunists have carried out a policy of segregatingthe white workers from the coloured workers, that thetrade unions, under the influence of these wily socialido not want to admit workers of different colour into theirinks. The colonial policy of the Second International has 138 ==========第71页========== more than anything else laid bare the true face of this All delegates of colonial countries who have taken part etty-bourgeois organization. Hence, until the October Re in various congresses of International Communism will volution, socialist theories were regarded as theories parti neverforgettheconcernthatLenin,theirleaderand.com cularly reserved for the Whites, a new tool for deceit and rade, displayed for them. They will forever remember with exploitation what insight he looked into the conditions of the most Lenin opened a new era, which is truly revolutionary, complex tasks peculiar to the East. Hence, everyone of us in various colonies. will deeply understand how correct Lenin's judgments Lenin was the first man determinedly to denounce all are and how valuable are his teachings. prejudices against colonial peoples, which have been deeply Only Lenin's wise attitude toward the colonial ques- implanted in the minds of many European and American tion can arouse the most backward colonial peoples. workers. Lenin's theses on the question of nationalities, Lenins strategy on this question is applied by various approved by International Communism, have brought about Communist parties in the world, and has won over the best a momentous revolution in all oppressed countries through- and most positive elements in the colonies to take part in out the world. communist movements. enin was the first to realize and emphasize the full Lenins solution of the very complex question of na importance of a correct solution to the colonial question as tionalities in Soviet Russia, and its practical application a contribution to the world revolution. The colonial ques by the Communist Party, is the sharpest propaganda tion has been brought to the fore in all congresses of weapon for the colonies. International Communism, the world trade union body and With regard to oppressed and enslaved peoples, Lenin the International Communist Youth(87). brought about a turn in the history of poverty of their Lenin was the first to realize and assess the full impor slave-like lives, and symbolized a bright future. tance of drawing the colonial peoples into the revolu-tionary movement. He was the first to realize that withoutthe participation of the colonial peoples, the socialist Le Sifflet, January 21, 1926 revolution could not come about. With his inborn clearsightedness, Lenin realized thatin order to carry out work in the colonies successfully, itwas necessary to know how to take full advantage of thenational liberation movement which was gaining ground inthese countries, he realized that with the support of theworld proletariat for this movement we will have newstrong allies in thee struggle for the socialist revolution 140 141 ==========第72页========== Therefore, nine countries with a population of320,657,o00 and an area of II, 470, 200 square kilometres,are exploiting colonies embracing dozens of nationalities,with a population of 560, I93, ooo and covering an area of55,637, ooo square kilometres. The whole area of the coloniesis five times greater than that of the mother countries, andthe whole population of the mother countries amounts toless than three-fifths of that of the colonies. REPORT ON THE NATIONAL AND COLONIAIQUESTIONS AT THE FIFTH CONGRESS OF These figures are still more striking if the biggest THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL (88) imperialist countries are taken separately. The Britishcolonies taken as a whole are eight and a half times morepopulous and about 232 times bigger than Great Britain Comrades, I only wish to put forward some suggestions France occupies an area Ig times bigger than her own. The about Comrade Manuilsky's(89)criticisms of our policy on population of the French colonies exceeds that of France the colonial question. But before entering upon the matter, by I6,600, ooo. it is desirable to give some statistics in order to help us to Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that so long as see its importance more clearly. the French and British Communist Parties have not broughtout a really progressive policy with regard to the MOTHER COUNTRIES COLONIES have not come into contact with the colonial peoples, their COUNTRIES AREA AREA programme as a whole is and will be ineffective because it POPULATION (sq. km. POPULATION (sq km.) goes counter to Leninism. I will explain myself more clearly. In his speech on Lenin and the national question, Comrade 45,500034910040360000 Stalin said that the reformists and leaders of the Second Great Britain 151,000france 536,000 3900010,250,0005560000 International dared not align the white people of thecolonies with their coloured counterparts. Lenin also refused The United States 9,420.001000000,850001:00000 to recognize this division and pushed aside the obstacle Spain 504,500 20.700,000 371.600 853,000 separatinng the civilized slaves of imperialism from the Italy 286600 38500001,460,000123000 uncivilized slaves. Japan 418.000 57,070,000 28800021,249.000 Belgium 29.500 7.6420002,4008500000 According to Lenin, the victory of the revolution in Portus 92,000 5.545,00000620006700 Western Europe depended on its close contact with the Holland 32.500 6,700,00 2.046,0048010.000 liberation movement against imperialism in enslaved coloniesand with the national question, both of which form a part 142 143 ==========第73页========== of the common problem of the proletarian revolution and Party, and I am very sorry to say that our Communist Party dictatorship. has done hardly anything for the colonies. Later, Comrade Stalin spoke of the viewpoint which It is the task of the communist newspapers to intro held that the European proletarians can achieve success duce the colonial question to our militants to awaken the without a direct alliance with the liberation movement in working masses in the colonies, win them over to the cause the colonies. And he considered this a counter-revolution of Communism, but what have our newspapers done ary viewpoint. But if we judge from practice to make our Nothing at all. theoretical examination, we are entitled to say that our big If we compare the number of columns devoted to the Parties, excepting the Soviet Communist Party still hold colonial question in the bourgeois newspapers such as The the above-mentioned viewpoint because they are inactive in Times, Figaro, Evre or in those of different opinions such this matter. as Lg Populaire, or Liberty, with those devoted to the samequestion in I Humanite, the central organ of our Party, we What have the bourgeois class in the colonialist coun- are bound to say that this comparison will not be favourable tries done towards oppressing so many people enslaved by to us them They have done everything. Using the means given When the Ministry of Colonies worked out a plan for them by the State administrative machine, they have carried transforming many African regions into large private plant out an intense propaganda. They have crammed the heads ations, and turning the peop of these regionsinto of the people of the mother countries with speeches, films, veritable slaves attached to the new employers'land, our newspapers, exhibitions and every other means, so that they newspapers still remained silent. In the French West have a colonialist outlook they have displayed before their African colonies, forcible measures for enlistment unknown eyes pictures of the easy, honourable and rich life which for centuries were carried out, and yet our newspapers seems to await them in the colonies maintained a close silence. The colonialist authorities in As for our Communist Parties in Great Britain, Holland Indo-China turned themselves into slave traders, and sol Belgium and other countries--what have they done to cope the inhabitants of north Viet Nam to planters in the Pacific with the colonial invasions perpetrated by the bourgeois islands; they lengthened the natives' military service from class of their countries What have they done from the two to four years; they sold the greater part of the colonia day they accepted Lenin,s political programme to educate land to financier sharks they increased taxes by a further the working class of their countries in the spirit of just 30 per cent in spite ofthe natives inability to pay the old internationalism, and that of close contact with the working ones. And all this was done while the natives were being masses in the colonies What our Parties have done in this driven to bankruptcy and dying of hunger through flood domain is almost worthless. As for me. I was born in a However, our newspapers still maintained silence. Thus, it French colony, and am a member of the French Communist is no wonder that the natives are inclined to side with HCM-10 145 144 ==========第74页========== organizations for democracy and freedom such as the starving German workers, encircled the suspected French Society for the Rights of Man and the Citizen together regiments; the example of the Eastern troops (03), in which with other similar organizations which take care of them the native forces were given machine-guns" to mobilize the or pretend to take care of them spiritof the French troops worn out by the hard and If we go even further, we shall see incredible things, protracted war i the events which occurred in 1917 at making everybody think that our Party has a disregard for places where Russian troops were stationed in France (9-1) all that concerns the colonies. For instance: I'Humanite the lesson of the strike of agricultural workers in the did not publish the International Peasants' Appeal(90)to Pyrenees where native troops were forced to play the sha the people of the colonies issued by the Communist meful part of saboteurs and finally the presence of International. 207,000 colonial troops in France itself - all these have Prior to the Lyons conference(91), the items listed for not made our Party think, have not made our Party find it debate covered all political programmes except that on the necessary to lay down a clear and firm policy on colonial colonial question. L'Humanite carried many articles on the questions. The Party has missed many good opportunities Senegal boxer Siki's success, but did not raise its voice for propaganda. The new leading organs of the Party have when the dockers at Dakar port, Siki's brothers, were acknowledged that the Party is in a corner over this ques arrested in the middle of their work, tied hand and foot tion. This is a good sign, because once the leaders of the hauled on to lorries and taken to jail. Later they were sent Party have realized and recognized this weak point in the to the garrisons to be turned into ' defenders of civiliza Partys policy, there is hope that the Party will do itsutmost to rectify its errors. I firmly believe that this tion, that is to say, into soldiers. The central organ ofour Party daily informed our readers of the feats of the Congress will be the turning point and will urge the Partyto correct its past shortcomings. Although Comrade pilot Uadi, who flew from Paris to Indo-China. But when Manuilsky is quite right in his remarks on the elections in the colonial administration pillaged the people of Dai Algeria, to be objective, I must say that it is true that our Nam'(92), robbed them of their fields to give them to the Party has committed errors here but has corrected them by French profiteers, sent out bombers with orders to the pilots nominating colonial representatives as candidates in the to teach reason to the pitiful and despoiled local people, elections for the Seine department. Though this is still the organ of our Party did not find it necessary to bring too little, it is fairly satisfactory as a beginning. I am very this news to the knowledge of its readers. happy to see that at present our Party is again filled with Comrades, the press of the French bourgeoisie has the best intentions and enthusiasm, and that it needs only realized that the national question cannot be separated to be strengthened by practical deeds to be brought to a from the colonial question. In my opinion, our Party has correct policy on the colonial question. not thoroughly understood this. The lessons of the Ruhr, What are these practical deeds To work out long when the native troops who were sent out ' to comfort'the political programmes and pass high-sounding resolutions 146 17 ==========第75页========== which are, after the Congress, sent to the museum as hasalways been done in the past, is not enough. We must adopt overc all four continents. In spite of the differences in concrete measures. I propose the following points races,climates, customs, traditions and economic and social I- To publish in I' Humanite a new feature of at least development, there are two common points that make them two columns weekly devoted to regular coverage of colonial alike and can later bring about unity in the common struggle questions. I- The economic situation ll the French 2-To increase propaganda and choose Pa colonies, industry and commerce are little developed and members among the natives of the colonial countries in the majority of the population are engaged in agriculture which there are already branches of the Communist Ninety-five per cent of the population are peasants International 2- In all the colonies, the native peoples are unre 3- To send comrades from the colonial countries to mittingly exploited by French imperialist capital. study at the Eastern Communist University in Moscow. I have not enough time to make a thorough analysis 4-To come to an agreement wit with the United of the situation of the peasants in each colony. Therefore General Confederation of Labour(5)on the organization I shall take only a few typical examples to give an idea of of working people from colonial countries working in the peasants life in the colonies France. I shall begin with my country, Indoo- China, which 5-To set Party members the task of paying more naturally I know better than the other colonies attention to colonial questions. When France occupied this colony, the war drove the In my opinion, these proposals are national, and ifthe Communist International and delegates of our Party easants away from their villages. Later, on their returnthey found their lands occupied by the colonists who had approve them, I believe that at the Sixth Congress, the followed in the wake of the victorious army. They had French Communist Party will be able to say that the shared among theemselves the lanld the native peasants had united front of the masses of the metropolitan country and cultivated for generations. In conseq uence the Annamese colonies has become a reality. peasants were turned into serfs and forced to cultivate Comrades, as Lenins disciples, we must concentrate their own lands for foreign masters all our forces and energies on colonial questions as on all Numerous unfortunates who could not suffer the other questions in order to implement Lenin's teachings extremely hard conditions imposed by the occupiers, left Comrade Douglas(an English delegate) their lands and wandered about the country. They were Comrade Smeran . called' by the French, who sought every means Comrade Nguyen Ai Quoc to prosecute them The French colonies occupy an area of I0,24I,5Iosquare kilometres with 55,571, 000 inhabitants scattered The lands thieved in this way, were allotted to theplanters. They needed merely to say a wordn order to get 148 149 ==========第76页========== declared that the land belonged to it and drove out those tracts of land sometimes covering more than 20,000 or who had toiled to make it productive. Robbed by their 25, ooo hectares. ' protectors( Catholic or non-Catholic), the Annamese These planters not only occupied lands without any peasants were not even left in peace to work on their payment but also obtained all that was necessary to exploit remaining tiny plots of land. The land registry service lands including labour. The administration allowed ake the carried out a fraudulent cadastral survey to make them to make use of a number of prisoners without any peasants pay more taxes. These increased every year. payment, or ordered the communes to suppoly them with Recentlyafter occupying thousands of hectares of landbelonging to the Annamese highlanders to give them to the manpower Besides these wolves and the administration, the profiteers, the authorities sent airplanes to the place so that Catholic Mission is to be mentioned. The Catholic Mission the victims dared not think of rebelling. alone occupied one quarter of the areas under cultivation The despoiled peasants, ruined and driven away, again in Cochin-China. To secure for itself all those lands it used found ways and means to reclaim virgin land. But once it every imaginable and unimaginable method, including was under cultivation, the administration would seize it bribery,fraud and coercion. Here are a few example and oblige them to buy it at prices fixed by the adminis- Availing itself of crop failures it gave the peasants loans, tration. Those unable to pay would be driven out pitilessly. with their rice-fields on mortgage. The interest rates being Last year, the country was devastated by floods too high, the peasants were unable to get out of debt and however, land taxes increased 3o per cent. had to cede their mortgaged fields outright to the Mission In addition to the iniquitous taxes that ruin them, the Using all kinds of underhand methods, the Mission did its peasants still have to go on corvee, pay poll-tax, salt-tax, utmost to find out secret information that could be harmful buy government-bonds, subscribe to various funds and to be authorities. It used this information as a threat to many other things, and sign unequal contracts, etc. force the authorities to comply with its will. Together with French capitalists in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco the big capitalists the Mission founded companies for the have carried out the same policy or robbery and exploita exploitation of the plantations which were occupied with tion. All the good irrigated land was kept for the French out any payment and the lands stolen from the peasants. he natives were driven away to areas at the The e foot of the The henchmen of the Mission held high positions in the mountains or to arid spots. The financial companies, pro government. The Mission exploited believers no less ruth- fitters and high functionaries divided the land in the lessly than the planters. Another of its tricks was to get colonies among themselves. together poor people and force them to reclaim waste land Through direct and indirect operations, the banks in with promises that once the land was cultivated it would Algeria and Tunisia in I9I4 made 12,258, ooo francs prot be divided among the peasants. But as soon as the land was from a capital of a5 million francs. reclaimed and the crops about to be harvested, the Mission 15 150 ==========第77页========== The Bank of Morocco, with a capital of I5,400,0oo corvee all the time and paying heavy taxes. Their misery francs, made 1, 753, 000 francs proft in I92I and sufferings are indescribable. Due to shortage of food The French Algerian Company has occupied 324,000 they have to eat wild vegetables and grasses or rotten rice hectares of the best land. and consequently are affected with typhus and tuberculosis. The Algerian General Company has occupied Ioo, 0oo Even in good harvest years, peasants are seen turning up hectares. rubbish heaps, disputing food-remnants with dogs. In lean A private company has occupied 50, ooo hectares of years, the corpses of peasants dead of starvation are seen forest without any payment, while the Capziere phosphate everywhere in the fields and on the highways. and railway company has occupied 50, ooo hectares of land The peasants'life in West Africa and French Equato ich in ores, and in addition has secured priority rights rial Africa is still more frightful. These colonies are in the over 20, ooo hectares of land in its neighbourhood hands of about 4o companies. They occupy everything A former French deputy has occupied a plantation land and fields, natural resources and even the natives covering I, 125 hectares of land, with mines to the value lives i the latter lack even the right to work for themselves of Io million francs, producing a yearly income of four They are compelled to work for the companies, all the million francs. The natives, the real owners of these mines, time, and only for the companies. To force them to work receive annually only one tenth of a franc per hectare. for nothing, incredible means of coercion are used by the French colonial policy has abolished the right of col companies. All lands and fields are confiscated. Only those lective ownership and replaced it by private ownership. It who agree to do the farming required by the companies are has also abolished small ownership to the advantage of big allowed to have some tiny plots of land. People are affect ownership of the plantations. This policy has incurred for ed with all kinds of diseases through malnutrition, and the the native peasants the loss of 5 million hectares of their death rate especially among the children is very high. best land Another method is to make old people, women and In I5 years, the peasants in Kabylia were robbed of children work as servants. They are lodged in small huts, I92, ogo hectares. ill-treated, beaten, ill-fed and sometimes murdered. In From I9I3, each year the Moroccan peasants were some localities the number of permanent servants is kept robbed of 12,ooo hectares of land under cultivation. Since about equal to the number of workers in order to discourage france was victorious in the war'for justice,, that figure the latter from running away. So that work in the plan- has risen to I4, 540 hectares. tations shall not suffer, the natives are forbidden to work At present, there are in Morocco only I, o7o French their own land in good time. Therefore, famine and epide people, but they occupy 500, ooo hectares of land. mics occur very often, wreaking havoc in the colonies. Like their Annamese peasant brothers and sisters, the The few tribes who have fled to the forests and peasants in Africa lead an unbearably hard life, going on succeeded in escaping the planters exploitation, live like 53 ==========第78页========== animals, feeding on roots and leaves, and die from malaria The densely populated regions bordering the rivers and the unwholesome climate. Meanwhile the white masters were turned into deserts within a matter of I5 years. are devastating their fields and villages. The following is Bleached bones were scattered throughout the ravaged an excerpt from an officer's diary describing briefly but oases and villages. clearly the repressionof the colonial peasants The life of the survivors was atrocious in the extreme 4 Raid on Colover village The peasants were robbed of the tiny plots of land allowed a Raid on the Fan tribe at Cuno. Villages and gardens them by the companies, the artisans lost their crafts, and destroyed. the breeders their cattle. The Matabeles were cattle-breed 44 Raid on Becanit village. Village burnt down;3,000 ers before the arrival of the British, they had 200,coo banana-trees cut down. cattle. Two years later only 40, goo were left. The Hereros 44 Raid on Kwa village. Village destroyed. Gardens had go,ooo cattle. Within 12 years the German colonists and farms razed to the ground. had robbed them of half. Similar cases are numerous in allthe black countries which came into contact with the Raid on Abimaphan village. All houses burnt down, Whites civilization all gardens and farms destroyed Raid on Examphami village. Village destroyed. The In conclusion, I quote the African writer Rene Maran whole commune along Bom river burnt down." author of Batuala who said Equatorial Africa was adensely populated area, rich in rubber. There were here all The same system of pillage, extermination and destruc kinds of gardens and farms with plenty of poultry and goats tion prevails in the African regions under Italian, spanish, After only seven years everything was destroyed. Villages British or Portuguese rule. were in ruins, gardens and farms laid waste, poultry and In the Belgian Congo, the population in I8gI was 25 goats killed. The inhabitants grew weak because they had million, but it had fallen to eight and a half million by to work beyond their strength and without any payment. IoII. The Hereros and Cama tribes in the former German They were thus not sufficiently strong and lacked the time colonies in Africa were completely exterminated. 80,ooo to work their fields. Diseases broke out, famine appeared, were killed under German rule and I5, ooo were killed the death rate increased. We should know that they are the during the pacification'period in IgI4. The population of descendants of strong and healthy tribes imbued with an the French Congo was 20, ooo in I894. It was only 9,7o0 enduring and tempered fighting spririt. Here, there is no in IgII. In one province there were Io, ooo inhabitants in thing left that can be called civilization.. I910. Eight years later there remained only I, o8o. In To complete this tragic picture, I want to add one another province with 4o, ooo black inhabitants, in only two point French capitalism has never hesitated to drive each years,20,000 people were killed, and in the following six region in turn to famine if it might be of advantage tothem. months 6,ooo more were killed or disabled In many colonial countries, e.g., the Reunion Islands, 1 155 ==========第79页========== Algeria, Madagascar, etc, the inhabitants are no longerallowed to grow cereals but have to grow other crops required by French industry. These crops are more profitable tothe planters. And this has caused the cost of living in thecolonies to rise and often brings about famine In all the French colonies, famine is on the increaseand so is the peoples hatred. The native peasants are ripefor insurrection. In many colonies, they have risen manytimes but their uprisings have all been drowned in blood If at present the peasants still have a passive attitude, thereason is that they still lack organization and leaders. The Communist International must help them to revolution andliberation NOTES OF EXPLANATION AND The Fifth Congress of the Communist International-une I7 July 8, I924- Shorthand copy-Part I-The INFORMATION National Publishing House, I925, pages 653-6s7. 15 ==========第80页========== I-On August 6, I920, the Second Congress of the Comin tern approved the twenty-one conditions put forwarda Lenin for recognition of the affliation of revolutionaryproletarian parties to the Communist International. These conditions forbade non-communist elements, theelements of the centre in the first place, from joining the Comintern, and laid down the fundamental polit cal an organizational principles by which a party consideringitself a section of the Comintern could become a Marxistparty of a new type. 2-After their invasion of viet Nam, the French colonialists divided it into three parts. The South ( now Nam Bo)became a colony under the name of Cochin-China, the Centre, Annam(now Trung Bo), was declared a Frenchprotectorate' by the King the North, Tonking(now Bac Bo) was conceded outright by the ki French, wbo ruled it directly. In I887 the French colonialists united these three parts of Viet Nam with Cambodia, and founded what they called the 'Indochinese Union. In 1893, Laos joined it. 3-Lenin's theses on the national and colonial questions were discussed at the Second Congress of the Cominternand approved on July 28, 1926 159 ==========第81页========== 4-Gandhi, Mohandas Carmchand(I869-1948),an out 10- Darles French Resident in Indo-China, well known for standing militant of the national liberation movement of his cruelties. In August IoI the inhabitants of Thai India, and leader of the Indian Congress Party. Nguyen province revolted against his persecutions. For De Valera, Eamonn(born I882) Irish politician. all his cruelties, he was fined 200 piastres, a derisory In r916, he took part in the uprising of workers and sum, but Albert Sarraut, then Governor General, conside petty-bourgeois in Dublin. During the civil war in red the punis hment quite adequate. He sent him to a Ireland in 1922-23, he led the republican army in its more lucrative post struggle against the government set up by the rightist II-Con Gai Vietnamese for 'young girl,, used by the Sinn Fein. Later, he gave up revolutionary tactics in his French colonialists in a bad sense. ight for the independence of ireland. In 1926, he set up I2-Long, Maurice Governor General of Indo-China from the Fianna-Fail, a petty-bourgeois party. From I932 r920tox922 onwards, except for short periods, he continuously headedthe Irish government I3- Khai Dinh Emperor of Annam from I916 to 1925. 5- Sarraut, Albert ( born 1872) French politician, one of Protege of the French colonialists, he was enthroned in the leading champions of the interests of the bourgeoisie place of Duy Tan who, in [or6, engineered a plot against and colonialism. He was Governor General in Indo the French. After his failure, Duy Tan was exiled bythe french colonial administration to Reunion Island China from rrr to I9I4 and from I9I7 to I9I9. Hewas called the"hangman of Saigon"for his repression I4- Siki a boxer of Senegalese origin who had just defeated of the liberation movement in Indo-China. In the twenties in a much talked-of bout, the French boxer Carpentier, he was Minister of Colonies and in I936, Premier in the winner of the world middle-weight championship in I920 French Government From I95I, he was President of the I5- Dempsey American boxer, world heavy- weight cham Council of the French Union. (See not 48) pion from Iorg to r926. In I92I he defeated Carpentier 6- During World War I, the French colonialists pressganged in the bout for the world championshipP the Malagasies into the French army and sent them to I6- Buffalo the largest sports hall in Paris, fight on the German front and in Morocco and yria I7-S. D N.: a pun Societe des Nations. Sagesse des 7-'Olo makoto one who gives off a bad smell. Nations.( League of Nations-Wisdom of Nations) 8-Meric, Victor French publicist, member of the French I8-Maran, Rene a Negro writer with French citizenship, Communist Party author of‘ Batonala’,‘ Douma' and other works 9-Louzon native of a French colony, a French Communist The French press spoke much of Rene Maran when his persecuted by the colonialists book Batonala' won the great traditional Goncourt Prize for French literature in D mber 192I. 100 HCM-11 161 ==========第82页========== I9- Kemal, Gazi Mustapha(I880-ro38)Turkish politician roro to January 2r, Io20 and was concluded by the and statesman, the first President of the Turkish Repu signing of a treaty with the defeated countries, Germa blic. From Iorg to I922 he led the national bourgeois ny, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and the Sultan's revolution ( Kemal revolution) against the foreign Turkey. The basic document of this Conference was the imperialists and feudal comprador elements. peace treaty signed with Germany on June 28, roro in 20-A croissant' is a crescent-shaped breakfast roll the Palace of versailles. Hence it is called the Versail eaten in france. les Treaty. 21-A play written by Nguyen Ai Quoc to ridicule Khai In sharing their booty, the member countries of the Dinh when this monarch vis ted france. Paris Conference contended fiercely with each other When speaking of the bulldog, Ho Chi Minh of course 22-'Rappel' A newspaper started in 1869 in Paris meant Britain with Victor Hugo's collaboration 27-After Germany's defeat in the First World War the 23-Bourneton A member of Parliament, representative of question of the Ruhr, a coal-mining and metallurgical the French Communist Party. centre, was one of the main bones of contention in 24- Notables Upper elements in the Vietnamese countryside, Europe. Hoping to restore its hegemony in Europe, such as usually formed the village administrative france cut the Ruhr off from Germany. In January councils. Their election by the population was a mere 1923 France and Belgium between them occupied the matter of form in fact they were appointed by the Ruhr. This, occupation lasted until August I925. Ho French colonial administration Chi Minh's Flemish monkey and Gallic cock are Belgiumand france 25- In order to avoid prosecution by the censorship, Ho Chi Minh used Aesopian language to lay bare the 28- Tiger: Here Ho Chi Minh wishes to speak of Clemen imperialist policy of the French Government and the ceau ( see note 38). Clemenceau issued the magazine customs of French bourgeois society. L'homme Libre(The Free Man) in which he criticizedthe government. After this magazine was banned he 26-Paris Conference This conference was convened by the issued the newspaper L'Homme Enchaine(The Chain- victor countries after the First World War to sign a d Man) peace treaty with the defeated countries. It was aimedat sharing the world among the imperialist powers on 29- Vultures ivere the usurers, and proprietors of firms who the basis of the new relation of forces which had come made exorbitant profits. into being after the First World War, and at producing 30-Crows: the exploiters. a scheme for the destruction of the Soviet Government 3I-Chats fourres--Furry cats' French expression for This Conference was held in Paris from January I8 judges 162 163 ==========第83页========== 32-Citroen, the biggest automobile trust in france. This 36- Vorovsky V. V.(I87r-I923) an eminent figure in the trust was foundedby Andre Citroen, owner of a small Communist Party of the Soviet Union, a diplomat and cog-wheel workshop in Paris. During the First World literary critic. He was a member of the Soviet Delega War, thanks to his production and supplyof munitions tion at the Lausanne Conference (1922-1923). He was for the Army, he became enormously rich. Citroen had murdered on May Io, I923 by the fascist White many factories in france i he was besides the owner of Russian Condari in Lausanne. many car assembly workshops and factories in Italy, 37.-Lyautey, Louis Hubert Goonzalve(1854-1034)a Holland and in many other countries in Europe and French Marshal. From I894 to 1896, he participated French Africa. In the twenties, Citroen organized an in the French Expeditionary Corps in Indo-China. exI edition to the Sahara for the purpose of advertizing Later he went to Madagascar to suppress the national his company. Caterpillar cars were used for the first movement in that country. From Igra to I925 he was time in this expedition High Commissoner and Resident General of france in Morocco where he carried out the policy of Nationa 33-Marseilles is famous for its tall stories. One of these lization and Colonization,, which was a ruthless stories tells of the sardine that blocked the old port at suppression of the national liberation movement of the Marseilles. In telling this story, Ho Chi Minh wished Moroccan people, and which forced their country into to say figuratively that for any trifle the French govern dependence on French capitalism ment asked its colonies to contribute enormous sums of 38-Clemenceau, Georges Benjamin (184I-I929)a reac- money. tionary French politician. One of the founders of the 34- In 1922, the French colonialists organized an exhibition Radical Party and Radical Socialist Party. An active in Marseilles, which cost a great deal of money and for propagandist for the war of revenge against Germany. which the french colonies were forced to contribute From I906 to I9oo, when leading the French Govern- enormous sums. They hoped that this exhibition would ment, he carried out a policy of suppression of strikes. provide proof of the prosperity of the French colonies From rorz to I920 he was French Premier, at the same ( See articles:‘ Civilization that Kills’and‘The time holding the office of Defence Minister. At this Colonial Abyss, for further information on the Mar time, he actually set up a militarist dictatorship in his selles exhibition) country.He was one of the most active proponents ofthe war of intervention against the Soviet Union. Cle- 35-Voronoff, S.A. a well-known surgeon working menceau's article in newspapers, and speeches delivered france. He studied various questions of human rejuve- in Parliament, contributed to the overthrow of many nation by means of grafting animals' testicles, particu- cabinets. Hence the bourgeois press nicknamed him ' the larly those of monkeys, on to man. Tiger’,and‘ destroyer of cabinets. 164 165 ==========第84页========== 30-In 1899, Hume, American Secretary of State, their national independence. The Sevres Treaty was not proclaimed the Open Door'policy. In proposing this ratified by the Turkish Parliament and was entirel policy and carrying it out in China the American in abrogated after the Turkish people had defeated the perialists aimed at overthrowing the position of rivals British and Greek interventionists. The imperialist who had founded bases in China before the United States. countries were obliged to take part in the Lausanne The Americans thus wanted to turn the whole of china Conference (from November 22 to July 1923). In this into their sphere of influence. Other imperialist coun- conference, Turkey, with the Soviet Union's support tries for their part also wanted to take advantage of succeeded in cancelling the enslaving Sevres Treaty and this policy to safeguard their positions and enlarge their conc/uded a new peace treaty. established influence in China. For example, the British 42-A chinese mou equals one-fifteenth of a hectare. Government, after approving the 'Open Door policywished not to apply its principles in Hong Kong and 43-Washington Conference. On the initiative of the United States, this conference was held from November 12 Kowloon 192I to February 6, I922 and was attended by the 40-In May 1923, a group of bandits ransacked a train at United States, the United Kingdom(Great Britain, the Lingchen station on the Tientsin-Poukousht railway dominions and India), Japan, France, Italy, China an Englishman was killed, and more than Ioo Chinese Belgium, Portugal and Holland. The Washington passengers and 26 foreigners kidnapped. The diplomatic Conference completed the partition of colonial posses- corps in China availed themselves of this incident to sions and spheres of influence w hich had been carried make a series of demands upon the Peking Government. out immediately after their First World war. It was held 4I-The Sevres Peace Treaty, one of the treaties which with a view to opposing the interests of the Soviet concluded the First World War. It was signed on August Union and China, and destroying the national libera- ro. ro20 at Sevres, near Paris. The signatories to this tion movement of the oppressed peoples. The main treaty were on the one side Britain, France, Italy, documents signed at the Washington Conference were: Japan and their allies ( Armenia, Belgium, Greece, the Four-Power Treaty(United States, Great Britain, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Hedjaz, Czechoslovakia, Japan, and france) concerning the protection of terri Yugoslavia) and on the other the Sultan's Turkey. The torial rights in the Pacific Ocean i the Nine-Power Sevres Peace Treaty contained various clauses aimed at Treaty on the principle of 'Open Doorin China; the sharing out Turkey's Arab possessions, dividing Turkey Five- Power Treaty (United States, Great Britain, itself and putting it under a semi-colonial regime. The Japan, France and Italy on cuts in naval forces. predatory conditions of this treaty raised a wave ofspontaneous and just indignation among the Turkish 44- The First Congress of Eastern Peoples was held in people. They rose up to struggle in order to safeguard Baku in September I920. It was attended by nearly two 166 167 ==========第85页========== thousand representatives of Eastern countries. At this 49-Copra: dried coconut kernel used in industry and Committ Action and pharmacy. Propaganda of eastern Peoples'which prospered for/ 50-Badiane: star-anise used in pharmacy or the distilla nearly one year. tion of liqueurs. 45- Latin quarter: one of the oldest districts of Paris. In 5r-Joffre, Joseph(1852-1933), French Marshal, Com this quarter, there are many schools and universities, mander-in-Chief of the French Army from roI to ror6. especially the ScorbonneUnEversty, the College From I885 to root, Joffre served in the French Expe- france, the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole normale ditionary Corps in Indo-China, the Far East Asia, Central Africa and Madagascar Superieure Poor students and intellectuals live in this quarter, 52-Michelet, Jules(1798-1874), well-known French his- rance which is gradually being transformed into a bourgeois torian. His leading works were, History of Fr I7 volumes)'History of the French Revolution locality (seven volumes),History of the Ioth century 46- French Indies: name of a number of small French (three volumes ) These works reflected the author's possessions in India(Mahe, Pondichery, Yanaon and petty-bourgeois standpoint Chandernagore). After the declaration of Indian inde-pendence, these possessions were integrated with India 53-American War of Independence (1775-1783).Theliberation war launched by I3 British colonies in North 47-Poincare, Raymond(I860-1934), a French politician America against Great Britain in order to win their of the early part of the 2oth century. He held many independence i this war brought about the founding of posts in the French Government, such as that of Premier the United States. in ror2-I9I3 and President of the Republic from I9r3to I920. He played an important role in the prepara 54-Elijah Lovejoy, Editor of the newspaper Illinois Observer,one of the participants in the struggle for the tion of the First World War. liberation of the Negroes. On November 7, I837, the ra From 1922 to I924 and from I929, Poincare was cists lynched him and burnt the printing house of his again at the head of the government. He pursued a very newspaper. The murderers went unpunished. reactionary, chauvinist and anti-Soviet policy. 55-Brown, John(I800-I859) was one of the organizers o 48- From I922 to r924, Albert Sarraut was Minister of the struggle for the liberation of the Negroes. He founded Colonies in the Poincare government. When the govern an abolitionist society, schools for black people, and ment was reshuffled in r924, he was replaced by Major helped the slaves flee to Canada. In I855, together with Fabri(See note 5). his five sons he struggled against the slave owners in 168 ==========第86页========== Kansas because the latter terrorized the local population. 59-In October I856, the Customs authorities of Canton On October 16, I859, at the head of a group of r8 searched the lorcha Arrow, a Chinese opium junk Whites and Negroes, he occupied the Government's arms flying the British flag which plied between Amov an depot at Parkersburg in Virginia. But he was not able Canton. Availing themselves of the opportunity the to arm and lead the Negroes to rise up. The group led British government immediately launched the second by Brown was encircled by the slave owners and govern Opium War against China. The French joined the ment soldiers from Washington. In a fight two of his British in the invasion. In December 1857 the Anglo sons were killed, and he was severely wounded and French fleet captured Canton in 1858 the allied fleet arrested. Some days later, he appeared in Court on a sailed north to occupy the Talu forts and sailed for stretcher. On December 2, 1859 he was executed Tientsin. In June 1858 the Chinese government sur. 56-57 Thomas Beach and Stephen Foster Well-known rendered and signed the Tientsin Treaties. The treaties abolitionists who actively participated in the liberation included war indemnities of four million taels of silver movement of the Negroes. to the British and two million to the French: theopening of ten seaports and river ports to foreign 58-In 1839 the Manchu government sent the Chinese merchant ships i the right of foreigners to trade in the superintendent Lin Tse-hsu to Canton to ban the trade interior, and the right to send missionaries to China, etc. in opium organized by British and American traders On Lin Tse-hsu's orders, 20, 000 chests of opium were 60- As the conditions in the Tientsin Treaties did not destroyed. Availing themselves of this opportunity, the satisfy the British and French inter ventionists, they British government declared war on China i but in declared war on China once more in 1860. They occupi fact, this war had been prepared by them for a long ed Peking and obliged the Chinese government to sign time. The United States also actively participated in the Peking Treaty, which had many even harsher this aggression. China was defeated in this so-called conditions than before, especially the war indemnity of first Opium War, and on August 29, 1842, the Chinese 80o million taels of silver which was paid to each of Government had to sign the Treaty of Nanking. The the allies China had to cede Kowloon Point to the main provisions of the treaty were the cession of Hong British: Britain and france had the right to recruit Kong, the payment of ar million taels of silver (I Chinese workers for their colonies. tael =37, 3 grammes), and the opening of Canton, In the sixties of the nineteenth century, in Sinkiang, Foochow, Amoy, Ningpo and Shanghai to foreign the Dungan and Uighur people rose in revolt against trade. Customs duties in these ports were to be fixed by the Manchu government and the feudal yoke. At the mutual agreement. The Treaty of Nanking was the beginning the uprising was of a popular nature, but first unequal treaty signed by China with a foreign later on the leadership gradually passed over to the country. feudal Mohammedans, and the clergy in Cachegary 171 ==========第87页========== southern Sinkiang) appointed Jakoub-bek as emir of war indemnity. This allowed the Japanese to gain the this Khanat. The British government intended to make upper hand, and they occupied the Ryukyu islands use of jakub. bek, and founded a big state including in I879 Khanat Cachegary and the neighbouring provinces 62-In I874, the British authorities in India armed an This state was to be an opponent to Czarist Russia, thus expedition to explore a trade route to Bamow(Burma) creating favourable conditions for Great Britain to and Yunnan(China). The Chinese government dared meddle in the affairs of Kazakhstan and Central Asia not refuse the authorization, but informed them of the To prevent Jakoub-bek from occupying the frontierzone of Kulgjinski(Illiski) the Czarist government local peoples unfriendly attitude towards the British occupied it in I87I. According to the St. Petersburg The coming of this expedition backed by a fairly strong Convention signed in I88I, the Czar restored the army alarmed the local population. In February I875, greater part of this zone to China, but the Chinese the interpreter of the expedition, named Margary, was government had to pay goo million roubles to Russia as killed in an armed clash. On this pretext, the British a management indemnity for this zone. forced China to sign the Chefoo convention whichincluded: the opening of four ports to foreign merchant 6I- At the end of 1873, a Japanese fishing-boat was driven ships, and the free movement of the British in Yunnan, by storm from Ryukyu to Taiwan. A fight between thecrew of the vessel and the people of Taiwan broke out 63- Due to the outcome of the Sino-French war (188 and go Japanese were killed. Having had the intention 1885), a peace treaty was signed in Tientsin in I885. to occupy Ryukyu and Taiwan, the Japanese government The treaty provided that China was to recognize seized the opportunity to send 3, 000 soldiers to invade Annam, which was a vassal of China, as a French Taiwan in I874. Japan was actively backed by the protectorate, and also to recognize French traders United States in this aggression:the American privileges in Yunnan. Legendre was chief of staff of the expeditionary corps, 4-In 1894, the Japanese militarists opened hostilities which sailed to Taiwan in the American ship New against China over the Korean question Korea was York. As the aggressors were repulsed, the Americans then under Chinese suzerainty. Not only was the whole and British offered to mediate. The Manchus were made of Korea occupied by Japanese troops, but also the to pay two million taels of silver in return for the with Liaotung Peninsula, including Port Arthur and Dairen, drawal of the Japanese forces. In I874, the Manchu and Weihaiwei port in Shantung. Under the Treaty government together with Japan signed a protocol Shimonoseki, signed on April I7, I895, China ceded to which included the acknowledgement of'the massacre Japan Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, and the Liao of Japanese subjects by the Taiwan people',and the tung Peninsula. Japan obtained the right to set up payment of 50 million of taels of silver to Japan ar factories on Chinese soil. China undertook to pay Japan 172 173 ==========第88页========== an indemnity of 20 million taels of silver, Korea wasto become a Japanese protectorate. This forced czarist Railway to Dairen. Thus, Manchuria became Russia'ssphere of infuence. Russia to adopt a stand against Japan. Russia, Germany and france jointly served a warning on Japan, In the dismemberment of China, the British im forcing it to return Liaotung Peninsula to China. But perialists played an important role. In February 18o8 China had to pay them an additional indemnitty of they forced the Manchu government to put the Yangtse 3,000 million taels of silver Valley within the sphere of influence of Britain, andcupid Weihaiwei(May 1898) under the cover of Japan intensified expansion of its sphere of in and-lease fluence, thus creating the required conditions forsigning of a treaty of alliance between Russia and china france also obliged China to give up Kwang in 1896 to prevent aggression by Japan. Under this chow-wan(1898) for them to lease, and to give them treaty Russia had the right to build the Chinese North many privileges in Canton, Kwangsi and Yunnan. Thus ern Railway in Manchuria. Shortly after this, france the south China provinces became a French sphere won the right to invest in the building of the Yunnan of infiuence. Railway, and Germany in the Shantung Railway. 66-In 1899, the Yi- Ho Tuan (Society of righteousness During these years the capitalist countries obliged China and Harmony) uprising occurred it had a popular to sign conventions which allowed them to build Io, ooo d anti-imperialist character. It was given the name kilometres of railroads on Chinese soil. Boxer Rebellion because the Yi-Ho Tuan Societies 65-The end of the nineteenth century was marked by a Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists and fierce struggle among the imperialist countries for the Society of Righteousness and Harmony and Da-tsuan partition of Chinese soil, and the control of the finances Societies( Society of Strong Fists and Society of Big and main economic branches of china Rights) played the principal role inthis uprising. In November I897, Germany occupied Kiaochow In June I900, the Yi-Ro uan armed rebels Bay and the surrounding area. On March 6, I898,a occupied Tientsin and penetrated into the capital Sino-German treaty was signed providing for Kiaochow Peking. To avoid the people's anger, the Manchu to be leased to Germany for 99 years, and Shantung government pretended to support the uprising. The became Germany's sphere of influence. United States, Great Britain, Germany, Japan On March 27, I898, a Sino- Russian treaty was France, Italy, Austria, and Hungary intervened with signed, providing for China to cede Port Arthur and the aim of repressing the uprising and making a further Dairen to Russia for a period of 25 years, and giving step towards the enslavement of China. On June I7, Russia the right to build a branch of Chinese Northern I9oo the armed interventionists occupied Port Takunear Tientsin. The Manchu government played a 174 175 ==========第89页========== treacherous role on the one hand it pretended todeclare war on the imperialist powers, on the other itsought every means to create difficulties for the revo- cancellation of the clauses concerning Shantung signed lutionary forces, and in fact it protected the foreign at the Versailles Conference and the abolition of fiscal invaders and cus toms autonomy, the rights territoriality,4 spheres of influence", etc. But on February 6, 1922, On August I5, I9oo the allied armed forces a Treaty of nine Powers was signed at this Conference, penetrated into Peking, the Manchu government left and the above-mentioned claims were rejected. The Peking, proclaimed its capitulation to the foreign Chinese delegation only succeeded in gaining the return powers,and co-operated with them to repress the of shantung and obtaining the cancellation of some of revolution. On September 7, I90I, the Manchu govern the clauses relating to the rights of japan in China. ment signed the"Final Protocol". Under its terms, n reality, the resolutions of the Washington Confer China was to pay a very big indemnity of 450 million were only imperialist schemes aimed at plundering taels of silver, The payment was to be met from China and repressing the national liberation movement customs revenues and the salt tax. The imperialists had of the Chinese people. the right to occupy the 12 most important cities of 69- See note g0 China. A legation district was established in Peking. 7o- In order to put pressure on the Canton Government Juridically, the"Final Protocol" consolidated the led by Sun Yat-sen, and support the anti- revolutionary transformation of China into a semi-colony of the im forces of the comprador capitalists who were preparing aerialist countries. revolts against Sun Yat-sen, the American and British Under the pretext of the murder of two German governments, in September and October 1924, concen missionaries, Germany had the town and bay of kiao trated a big naval force in Canton chow leased to it by China in I897. It made of it a 7I- Macdonald, Ramsay (1866-1937), leader of the naval station, a trading port and an arsenal. The Independent Labour Party and Labour Party i these Japanese seized the place in 19r4 and stayed there parties advocated collaboration between classes and the after the Versailles Treaty, notwithstanding China's so-called"gradual reform of socialism into capitalism protests. The whole territory was given back to China In I924 and J929-1935, Macdonald after the Washington Conference Prime Minister. In 193, a "national,, was British government 67- See note 58. was formed by him, but in reality it was a conservative, Baldwin, who led it. He was expe 68- At the Washington Conference(1921-1922) owing elled from the Labour Party. Macdonald was very active in the to pressure from the people struggling against imperia protection of British imperialism and in the introduc- lism, the Chinese delegation had to demand the tion of various reformist illusions into the British k work HCM-12 ==========第90页========== defeat of the southern slave-owners and the victory of 72-The“ Experts Plan"or“ Dawes Plan" was a plan the north which obliged Germany to pay a war indemnity. Its 76- Freemasonry a mystically religious doctrine which principal aim was to restore the potential of the came into existence in Europe in the I8th century. The German war industry(the authorities of the imperialist Freemasons ware mainly aristocrats and representatives countries wanted to use it against the Soviet Union), of the big bourgeoisie. They advocated the moral impro and bring American capitalism into Europe. It was vement of man and unity among themselves on the worked out in 1924 by a Committee of Experts created basis of love of one's neighbour. Modern Freemasonry according to the resolution of the War Reparations Commission of the victorious countries. Banker Dawes, prevails mainly in the United States and is of a mostreactionary character director of the biggest bank in Chicago, and closelyconnected with the Morgan group, was the chairman 7- In September I924, there broke out in China a civil of the commission war between the Chihli warlord clique headed by Wu Pei-fu and backed by Anglo-American imperialism, 73- Conquistadors: Spanish conquerors of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries who occupied immense areas in and the Fengtien clique ruled by Chang Tso-lin and Central and South America. They enslaved and exter supported by the Franco-Japanese imperialists. The minated the natives in a most barbarous way. The Chihli warlords were defeated and fled from north word" conquistador "has become a derogatory term to China and Peking. designate aggressors, slave-traders, etc 78- Karakhan L M(I8go-1937), an outstanding Soviet 74- Declaration of the Rights of Man, the political stateman. He was ambassador of the Soviet Union to manifesto of the French bourgeoisie, the declaration of China from 1923 to 1926. foundations of the new bourgeois regime. This 79- In June 1924 in Canton the Vietnamese patriot Pham manifesto was drafted and adopted by the Constituent Hong Thai hurled a bomb at Merlin, the Governor Assembly on August 26, I789 during the Frrenc General of Indo-China. He sought to escape by crossing bourgeois revolution a river but was drowned. Merlins assassination and 75- To defend and extend slavery, in I86I, the slave-owner Pham Hong Thais death-he has become a national planters organized a mutiny aimed at setting up a hero of the Vietnamese people- had a great repercus government supporting slavery, They declared the sion in Indo-China and other Asian countries secession of the southern federations from the United 8o- In October I924, the Conservatives headed by baldwin States( February .86I) formed the government, replacing Macdonald's Labour In April I86r, the Civil War between the North government. and the South broke out. The war ended in I865 in the 179 178 ==========第91页========== The new government carried out a policy of open leaders of the Second International. He actively reduction of the living standards of the masses and contributed to the armed intervention against the Soviet refused to ratify the Anglo-Soviet treaty signed in 1924. Union, and the implementation of the policy of splitting 8r- The Indian Congress Party was founded in 1885 with the workers’ movement the object of fighting British rule. It united in its Henderson, Arthur (r863-1935, a leader of the ranks representatives of all classes and groups in Indian British Labour Party, Home Secretary(1924) and society: bourgeois, landlords, intellectuals and a section Foreign Minister in the second Government formed by of the toiling people. The Party's official ideology was the Labour Party the Macdonald Government the programme of 'non-violence which was set forth (1929-1931). He carried out a reactionary home and by Gandhi, the leader of the Congress. At present, the foreign policy. Congress Party is a bourgeois party leading the Blum Leon (1872-1950), a right wing socialist, Republic of India leader of the French Socialist Party, he was for many 82- Swarajist(from the word"Swara]"meaning autonomy, years editor-in-chief of the newspaper Le Populaire independence). This was the party of a section of the which is the principal organ of the French Socialist Indian bourgeoisie, closely related with the landlords Party. After the"Front populaire had won in the and was set up in I923 within the Indian National I936 general elections, Blum headed the French Govern Congress. Although the struggle for independence of ment and carried out a policy of disrupting the India was mentioned in the Party's programme in Front Populaire"and frustrating the realization of practice, the Swarajists urged co-operation with the its political programme. Being a sworn enemy of British administration, expecting that India would be Communism and the U.S. S.R., Blum resorted to granted dominion status. It disintegrated during the every possible means to overthrow Marxism and propa upsurge of the revolution in India ( 1928-1933) gate the theories of "democratic socialism 83 On November I9, 1925 a group of terrorists killed 86-Baldwin, Stanley(1867-1947) Leader of the British Lee Stack, Governor-General of Sudan. On this Conservative Party, a reactionary politician. He was pretext, the British gover nment exacted withdrawal of Prime Minister from 1923 to 1924, from 1924 to the Egyptian troops and administration from Sudan I929, and from 1935 to I937. He advocated a ruthless and abolition of the Anglo-Egyptian Agreement of colonial policy, and was one of the promoters of the January 1899 on the joint administration of Sudan, armed intervention against the Chinese revolution which was called condominium. from [924 to 1927. Baldwin led the suppression 84- See note 7I of the general strike and of the miners'strike (1926). 85- Vandervelde, Emile(1866-1938), a Social chauvinist, He maintained a most antagonistic attitude towards a leader of the Belgian Labour Party and one of the the U. S. S.R., proposed breaking off diplomatic 181 180 ==========第92页========== relations with the U. S.S. R.(1927), and carried outa policy of encouraging the Italian and German go- Peasant International International Peasant Counci, aggressors,and of collusion with Hitler's Germany to set up in 1923 by the delegates of the revolutionary spearhead the German invasion of the U. S S. R peasant organizations in many countries. Chamberlain, Austen (1863-1937). A British 9I- The Third Congress of the French Communist Party statesman, was Chancellor of the Exchequer, Foreign was held at Lyons in January I924. The main problem Minister, etc, in various Conservative Governments debated at the Congress was the question of ideological A sworn enemy of the Soviet Union, Chamberlain held struggle in the Party, its strengthening and the elimina that the essential goal of his policy was to isolate the tion of alien elements. Soviet Union and to found a bloc of big capitalist states 92- Dai Nam: Name used for Viet Nam under feudal rule. directed against the Soviet Union. He supported the 93- Eastern troops troops press-ganged by the imperialists revival of German militarism and wanted to use it to from among the various colonial peoples for the purpose provoke a war against the Soviet Union of repressing revolutionary movements in colonies and 87- International Communist Youth, A non-party organ even in the Metropolitan countries themselves of world youth, functioning under the ideological and 94- During World War I, the Czarist government sent an organizational guidance of the Communist International expeditionary corps to france. In rorz, its soldiers It was a branch of International Communism. The protested against the war for the defence of the interests International Communist Youth organization existed of the bourgeoisie. They set up Soviets and demanded from Ior to 19 their repatriation. Fearing that the Russian soldiers 88- The Fifth Congress of the Communist International revolutionary ideas might spread to the French army, was held in Moscow from June I7 to July 8, 1924 the French High Command moved the Russian corps 89-Manuilski, D Z.(1883-1959), an outstanding militant out of their positions and sent them to the lacourtine of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Soviet concentration camp where they were surrounded by barbed State and the international communist and workers' wire and guarded by Senegalese and Touareg units. This movement. In 1924, he was a member of the Presi led to the disarming of the Russian corps. dium of the Executive Committee of the Communist 95- The United General Confederation of Labour existed International. From 1928 to I943 he was Secretary of from 1922 to I936. In 192I, the reformist leaders of the Executive Committee of the Communist International the General Confederation of Labour openly expelled a At the Fifth Congress of the Communist International number of revolutionary trade unions embracing nearly he delivered a report on the national and colonial 6o per cent of the members of the General Confederation questions. of labour. These revolutionary trade unions set up the United General Confederation of Labour and ceaselessly 183 ==========第93页========== struggled for the restoration of the unity of the tradeunions for the defence of the vital interests of the prole-tariat and, together with the French Communist Party,took part in the struggle against fascism and war. Thedevelopment of the movement for the unity of theworking class compelled the reformist leaders of the General Confederation of Labour to accept the proposalfor unification of the United General Confederation of Labour, and it was put into effect at the Toulouse Congress in 193( 184 ==========第94页==========